[12] Preparation

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You sent out the last bit of instructions to your support team before finally taking a breather. As a sigh of relief left you, a whisk of smoke followed suit thanks to the cold air. Your gaze drifted up and you admired the full moon that shone brilliantly against the midnight sky.

Thankfully, the operations you've been receiving for the past week were pretty normal. Unlike the ones with the vengeful apparition where your life was on the line, you've been issuing orders, conducting first aid every now and then, and providing reassurance to the victims. Honestly, what a breath of fresh air.

In the crowd of people, your eyes searched for a certain male with gold eyes and black hair. When you found him, you realised that he was preoccupied with treating someone. A soft smile was on your lips, Amias looked so gentle tending to others.

Having the protagonist in your dispatch and being his superior. When you went on your first operation with him, you could not get used to it. But expected of him, he was a great addition to your team and you felt at ease with him around. Amias always eagerly asked you questions, diligently carried out his orders, and looked at you with eyes of admiration whenever you'd teach him something. The guy had a knack for being so lovable.

"Hey, that's her, right?"

"I think so! I think her name's (Y/n)."

You pretended to be more distracted by the moon than you actually were as you listened into the voices that spoke about you. As expected, rumours followed you out no matter what time it was or where you were.

"Who would've thought a support would make it to the SF trial? I'm so curious to see why the chairman picked her."

"He must have a good reason, right?"

"I'm pretty excited!"

Those types of words came from innocent bystanders who were simply intrigued by your involvement in the trial.

"I heard that she can withstand possession. That's it? How did she get picked?"

"Ugh, let me take her place. Just because she happened to survive a vengeful apparition possession she might become an SF member?"

"You have to admit, coming out without her mental state collapsing is pretty great. But I would've just exorcised it! What good does her ability even do aside from buying time? I think it's a waste of an invitation."

And those types of words came from the AEI members or more critical members of society.

You raised an eyebrow and glanced over your shoulder. "If I rejected the invitation, you would be criticizing me. Hypocrites... " you mumbled. Though they could be nicer, their point is kind of valid.

"Don't mind them, (Y/n)!"

A bubbly girl approach you; her honey blonde hair was done in a half up half down style and there were orange highlights that matched her eye colour. She crossed her arms and huffed. "They don't understand how amazing you are for surviving a vengeful apparition's possession!"

A guy with curly medium grey-blue hair and eyes showed up beside her, nodding in agreement. "Well said! They should mind their business."

Vanessa––or Ness as she insists you to call her––and Lucas; among your support team they interacted with you the most aside from Lily. Lucas was the vice leader of your dispatch and Ness was a close friend of his, that's how you came to know them. Being around the two felt like having your own cheerleader squad; they were so supportive that it was overwhelming at times.

Lily appeared behind Ness and shyly walked up to you, handing over a water bottle. "I got you something to drink! Good job today during the operation."

You thanked her and took a quick break before going back to work. It wasn't much, just helping clear up the scene, writing down a report, and checking up on your dispatch members. You would say that you were excited to go back to your room and sleep, but the most you'll be getting is a quick nap since you needed to train at 4am again.

Anomalous (Yanderes x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora