[05] A Frustrating Reality Check

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[Location] Erystin private school

[Dispatches] Support team dispatch 09, Offence team dispatch 00, Offence team dispatch 03, Defence team dispatch 07, Defence team dispatch 05

[Special force members] Caleb and Elias

[Report] A second sighting of the vengeful apparition. Most of the students and staff have been evacuated, however, some still remain in the school. The vengeful apparition appears to be much stronger than before.

[Risk Assessment] Students are highly prone to possession. Please be mindful and treat them with caution.

As you ran, you swiftly placed your hoodie over your head to shield yourself from the heavy downpour that cascaded from above. Droplets pounded riotously against the ground and fought against the storm of voices that enmeshed rowdily with one another, voices that ranged from panicked cries to anxious shouts.

It was time to get into gear and begin the operation.

At this point, you and Caleb had already parted ways. Your confidence in fulfilling your role as a support leader wasn't all that high, but there was no other choice but to give it your all and hope that your prior knowledge of the game would be enough.

Pulling the brakes on your running, you immediately began to direct your team whilst issuing their respective orders. As you were doing that, you noticed from a far distance a student staggering and struggling to past the school gates. Normally, you would've rushed to go and assist her. However, due to your position in the support department, you were supposed to notify the offence or defence team to do it instead due to various safety reasons.

Well, that could've been the case if it weren't for the fact that everyone was too preoccupied with their duties to notice your message. The apparitions in this operation were significantly overwhelming, after all. Though you were supposed to simply wait, that wasn't an option. The student wouldn't be able to hold up for long. You quickly informed the support team's vice leader that you'll be momentarily leaving your station. Before they had a chance to raise any questions, you had already left.

You managed to reach the student unscathed. Upon closer inspection, it was clear that her condition was much worse than you had initially anticipated. She needed immediate medical treatment. You asked her if she was alright to try and prompt a response out of her, however, she remained unresponsive. With limited options, you carefully brought her arm over your shoulder. You whispered a quick a prayer that an apparition wouldn't get to you and you began walking her to a safer area.

It was only a few steps before the student suddenly grabbed your shoulder. You flinched in surprise, but when you noticed that the she was trembling, your expression softened in sympathy.

"What's wrong?"

"My––my friend," she choked out, a sob threatening to escape past her lips. She looked at you with an expression that held both despair and desperation. Voice on the brink of hysteria, she pleaded, "She's still in there! Please, you need to save her!"

"Don't worry, that's what we're here for. Do you have an idea where she could be?"

The girl frantically shook her head. "I-I don't know! Oh god, why did I leave her? If only we hadn't had that argument then––"

"It'll be alright, please don't panic. The offence team is very capable, you're in good hands," you reassured her. "Right now, we need to focus on getting out of here so we can tend to your injuries."

Many apparitions take advantage of an individual's mental vulnerability in order to possess them. Unlike a vengeful apparition, the process was much simpler and was easier to fight against. The more the girl panicked, the more susceptible she was to that fate. One of your utmost priorities was to calm her down. But, it was like your words of reassurance just bounced right off her. Continuous strings of murmurs flowed from her lips before she suddenly ripped herself from your hold and grabbed both of your shoulders.

Anomalous (Yanderes x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя