20. Christmas Tree

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"Say cheese!"

Mhok urged enthusiastically before he took a picture.

"Are you done now?" Day dropped his smile.

"One more," Mhok crawled closer to Day, as they were sitting on the carpet floor, "One more, please."

Mhok adjusted the string light that loosely hung around Day, "Looks better now." Mhok tapped Day's face softly, "Don't sulk, baby."

Day huffed dramatically and hid his blush, "Fine."

Mhok's face lit up, and he moved backward to get a better angle for the picture.

The sight in front of him was breathtakingly beautiful. Day sat before him, with a wide smile, flushed face, making a peace sign with his hands as the light emitting from the tiny LED bulbs illuminated his body, imparting a golden glow. The partly decorated huge christmas tree that stood behind Day just added to the beauty of the picture.

It was truly a moment worth capturing.


"There," Mhok grinned, glancing proudly at the photo he took, "It's done."

"Is it good?" Day asked, and Mhok shuffled closer to him.

"It's perfect," Mhok wrapped an arm around Day's shoulder, "You're perfect."

Day playfully rolled his eyes, "Gee, thanks, but enough of your flattery."

Mhok smiled at him lovingly without a trace of insincerity because he had meant every word he said. Day was indeed perfect in Mhok's eyes.

"Thank you for this gift," He lifted the camera in his hand, admiring it, "I love it so much."

Mhok's happiness was unfathomable when Day surprised him with the camera in the morning.

They went shopping together, then when did he buy this? He figured that Day had probably ordered it online.

Day smiled, "I'm glad you like it," He then frowned in mock distaste, "But take a break from this photography spree. I'm not paid enough to be your model."

Mhok laughed. He liked it when Day came up with humorous insults, "You're my first model. You should be honored."

"I- "

Day's witty remark was cut off by his mother's voice.

"You guys are still not done decorating the christmas tree?" She looked at them and shook her head, "It's been hours."

Mhok grinned sheepishly and pointed at Day, "He wanted me to take his pictures, and that's why I couldn't finish decorating. Scold this guy over here."

Day hung his mouth open, "What? When did I?"

The woman just smiled knowingly, "Alright, guys, continue with your work. I'll be back." She looked at them sharply.

Mhok gave her a thumbs up, "I won't let him distract me anymore."

"P'Mhok!" He shoved Mhok gently, "You liar."

Mhok snickered as the woman left, "Don't be mad, baby." He placed his hand below Day's chin, lifting his face.

"Don't baby me anymore," Day tried to move away from him, "And remove this string off me."

"Okay," Mhok complied quickly.

After the string was gone, he confronted Day.

"Aw, I'm sorry, okay?" He tried to persuade his sullen boyfriend, "Ah, don't you want to see the gift I bought for you?"

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