12. Friends

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Day jolted awake from his deep slumber at the sudden intrusion.

He sat up on the bed, rubbing his eyes, "What is it?"

Day was surely a little surprised by Mhok's unexpected appearance in his room in the morning.

"You were sleeping longer than usual, so I just wanted to check up on you," Mhok continued, "You didn't answer when I knocked the door so I just came in and found you looking distressed as if you were having a nightmare, that's why I had to wake you up."

Day put a hand on his forehead. He winced, reminiscing some parts of the dream. Ever since that day in the rain, he had been dealing with these unpleasantness for a while now.

"Are you okay, Day?" Mhok gazed at him in concern. He had kind of figured out the cause of Day's nightmares.

"I'm not," Day admitted, having no energy to lie.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Day hesitated, not answering the question.

"If not me, you can talk to your parents as well." Mhok added.

Day's head shot up towards Mhok, "Huh?"

Mhok rubbed his forehead, "I mean, it's been so long since you've contacted them, and you can ease a little by having a chat with them. You do miss them after all."

Day sighed. Mhok wasn't wrong. He did miss his parents terribly, and maybe it was about time he contacted them.

Day nodded, "I'll do that, P'Mhok."

Mhok smiled, "I've prepared breakfast. Come when you're ready. We can eat together."

Day's heart warmed at his kind words and sweet gestures.

Why was P'Mhok so thoughtful and nice towards him?

Was he only doing his job?

Day was confused. He'd have to find answers.

After breakfast, Mhok followed Day to his room.

"Are you going to call your parents now?"

"Yes," Day looked oddly nervous as if he were on an interview. Probably, Day didn't know how to face his parents after neglecting them for so long.

"Should I set up the laptop?" Mhok offered.


Mhok wasted no time before bringing the laptop and opening Skype.

"Will they be at home now?" Mhok placed the laptop on the table, positioning it in a way so that it was facing Day.

"Most probably. It's a weekend." Day informed.

"Oh okay," With that, he called Day's parents through Skype.

They had to wait for some time before his mother answered the call.

Day just sat in front of the laptop with clammy hands and an anxious body language .

"Oh my God! Day?" Day's mother exclaimed. Her tone was dripping with disbelief and happiness.

"Mom?" Day called out to her. He felt a little less nervous after hearing his mother's cheery tone.

"Are you okay, son?" Mhok stood by the side, peering into the screen, but she couldn't see him.

Day hung his head low, "I've been doing well, but lately, that's not the case."

"What happened, Day?" She was immediately concerned and sad.

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