18. Standing Next To You

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Mhok awoke to the most beautiful sight he'd ever seen.

He saw Day sleeping peacefully in his arms. Due to their close proximity, Mhok could point out all those tiny details on Day's face that he couldn't before. One of those details was Day's long eyelashes that touched his cheek when he shut his eyes.

He let out a content sigh after reminiscing the events that took place yesternight. Everything had seemed too good to be true. But now, he resolutely believed in Day's feelings. The way Day was still clinging close to him didn't leave a trace of doubt within him.

Day actually liked Mhok in the same way he loved Day.

He didn't know how it happened, but it did somehow, and that's all that mattered. That's all he needed.

Mhok lifted his hand and placed it gently on Day's face, softly caressing him with the pad of his thumb.

They had slept longer than they usually did.

"Day," He slowly called out.

"Hmm," Day hummed, a frown appearing on his face.

Mhok let out a chuckle, "Okay, I'll let you sleep then."

"No, it's alright." Day's voice was hoarse as he answered, "I'm up now."

"Good morning," Mhok ran his hand through his lover's hair.

"Good morning, Phi." Day smiled in a way that had Mhok feeling butterflies in his stomach.

He kissed the top of Day's head, "Who am I? Do you remember anything?" He asked jokingly.

"Hm," Day feigned to be thinking deeply, "Aren't you my boyfriend?"

That was all the confirmation that he needed.

He smiled, even though his heart had skipped a beat at Day's sudden admittance, "Yes, you're absolutely right."

"I'm hungry," Day informed, already sitting up.

"Alright," Mhok sat up as well, "I'll go make breakfast quickly."

Saying so, he pecked Day's face before climbing off the bed.



"We have to go shopping," Day announced as he finished breakfast.

"Why?" Mhok asked as he collected the dishes from the table.

"We're going to our parents' houses. We can't go empty-handed, especially since it's Christmas."

"Oh, right," Mhok smiled, "We can go today then."

Hearing that, Hazel let out a joyous bark.

"Not taking you," Mhok muttered to him sternly.

Hazel seemed to whine about it, so Day interjected, "If we're back early, we can go on a walk with Hazel. Happy now?"

Hazel barked again, wagging his tail cheerfully.

They decided to leave Hazel in Derek's care while they went out. That way, Derek would be able to spend some time with his old pet as well.

Since Day wasn't fond of taking Derek's car, they called taxi again. Mhok figured that it hurt Day's pride to accept Derek's car since he was born rich and never had to borrow stuff from others. Mhok didn't mind it anyway; as long as he was with Day, nothing bothered him.

The cab pulled in front of their destination, and Mhok hurried to Day's side and took his hand in his.


Mhok liked the sound of it.

They walked through the shop for an hour and grabbed all the things that they found necessary. Mhok had to describe how each thing looked like in detail before they bought anything, thereby taking longer than usual.

Having finished shopping, they were now walking on the sturdy bridge to get to the other side. Mhok held their belongings in one hand and clutched Day's hand with the other as they strode.

It was late afternoon; the sky was pink, and the weather was uplifting.

"How do you feel?" Mhok asked out of the blue, genuinely wanting to know how he felt.

"Great," Day's wide grin was enough evidence to prove that he was having a good time, just like Mhok.

Midway, they came across an ice cream seller, and Mhok immediately halted.

"Do you want some ice cream?" Mhok glanced at Day.

He nodded, "I'd like that."

Mhok bought ice cream of different flavors that each of them liked.

"The sky is too pretty," Mhok looked up at the sky in owe. The only other time he looked that way was while staring at his boyfriend.

"Is it?" Day held onto Mhok tighter, "Let's stop then. You can watch it all you want."

There was no tinge of annoyance or disappointment in Day's voice. Instead, it was just genuine selflessness.

Mhok almost wanted to decline the opportunity, but Day looked too happy for Mhok to turn him down, "Okay then, let's stay here for a couple more minutes."

Mhok stood next to Day on the bridge just in front of the railing. He stared at the sky and described it to Day in every way he could.

A light breeze engulfed them, and Mhok looked at Day, who was almost done with his cone ice cream.

"Are you staring at me?" Day asked in an accusatory tone.

"Probably," Mhok shrugged while smirking.

Day shook his head, "Do you want my ice cream? The last part is the best part. I'll give it to you since you're my lover."

"Oh my! I'm honored," Mhok exclaimed sarcastically, even though his heart warmed at Day's adorable words.

Day narrowed his eyes and scowled, "I'll have it then."

"No," Mhok caught his hand, "Give it to me, pretty please?"

Day smiled, "Sure, since you ask so nicely."

Mhok ate the ice cream without taking his gaze off Day even for a moment.

"You have some on your mouth," Mhok laughed.

"Oh really?" Day rolled his eyes, "Where?"

Mhok smiled mischievously, "Here." He brought his ice cream towards Day and smudged it on his mouth.

"P'Mhok!" Day found himself laughing even though he wanted to look mad.

"What?" Mhok laughed along, "Should I wipe it off then? With my mouth?"

"You're impossible," Day giggled.

"Thank you," Mhok said, already leaning in.

"That was not a compliment." Day smiled knowingly as he was struck with a wave of deja vu.

Mhok just smiled and closed the distance between them.

The blissful evening was then elapsed with shared ice creams and sweet kisses.

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