11. I Need You

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"Let's go home."

Mhok announced as he pulled Day to his feet. They were already drenched and covered in dirt, but that didn't stop Mhok from picking up the umbrella. It was meant for Day in the first place.

Mhok glanced at Day, who was still shaking from the cold and the fear. His pain just worsened, taking in that sight.

Blinking back tears, Mhok picked up Hazel in his arms, and they all started to walk under the umbrella. Day clutched onto Mhok's arm tighter than ever.

If it were not for the heart-wrenching circumstances, Mhok's heart would've fluttered with joy at their close proximity.

After a silent walk of 30 minutes, they reached home.

Mhok unlocked the front door, and they all entered in.

"I'll bring some towels," Mhok offered as they stood by the door.

Day didn't object. In fact, Mhok wasn't sure if Day had heard him at all.

Mhok could only imagine how traumatizing it was for Day to behave like this.

Mhok returned with the towels shortly, "Here," he forwarded it to Day, who snapped out of his daze and began drying himself.

Mhok knelt down and dried Hazel. After making sure that Hazel was alright, he gingerly placed it inside the kennel.

After washing his hands, he approached Day, whose hands were shaking as he dried his hair.

"Do you need some help?" Mhok risked asking. Every service he offered might be misunderstood for pity. Mhok was always on eggshells when it came to that.

"No," Day refused meekly.

"Let me help you," Mhok placed his hands on the towel that rested on Day's head, "Please."

Day closed his eyes, and tears flowed down his cheeks, "P'Mhok."

"Hmm?" Mhok's eyes turned glossy as well.

"Why am I so weak and helpless?"

Mhok's body became stiff at Day's self-deprecating words. Day had never done that before.

Mhok didn't withdraw his hands from Day's head.

He took a deep breath and went on, "You're not weak and helpless. You have never been. You're strong, Day. You lived by yourself for a whole month before you met me. You went for walks by yourself for a long time before this happened. You're also a genius writer on top of it. What happened today is not your fault. It was just a bad day. It happens with everyone."

Mhok's hands slid down and now held Day's face in his hands, "You don't like being pitied by others, then why do you pity yourself, Day? Don't let such thoughts consume you again. You're the strongest and the most beautiful person I know."

Mhok's eyes widened when he realized that the motivation had probably transformed into a borderline confession.

Day's face remained stoic, but his eyes were warmer this time. Almost as if he trusted Mhok's words and understood his own worth.

To avoid any further awkwardness, Mhok grabbed the towel and gently dried Day's hair. He didn't want Day to catch a cold when he himself was soaked beyond saving. Day didn't decline Mhok's gesture, which was for enough Mhok to continue what he was doing.

After drying Day, Mhok quickly dabbed his hair with another towel.

"I'm going to take a bath," Day cast his head down.

"Do you want help?" Mhok asked before thinking. He then realized how wrong that sounded.

To Mhok's relief, Day just chuckled. It was a pleasant sound to Mhok's ears. Day was finally easing up again.

"It's alright. I can take a bath on my own. However," Day grabbed the bottom of his sweatshirt, "You can help me with this sticky and soaked shirt. It's difficult to remove by myself."

"Oh okay," Mhok tried to sound unaffected and normal. He grabbed the end of the shirt and lifted it up, revealing Day's skin. He contemplated closing his eyes but decided against it. Day had not asked him to do that.

The shirt was finally off, and Mhok immediately handed a towel to Day in case he wanted to cover himself. It was also cold.

Smiling, Day wrapped the towel over his shoulders, "Thank you, P'Mhok." Day's eyes had a grateful glint to it.

Something told Mhok that the gratitude was not just for covering him but also for the previous words of wisdom.

Without a second thought, Mhok lifted his hand and ruffled Day's hair lovingly. He looked too cute to resist.

Day froze a little but smiled anyway.

"I'm going," Day announced as he began to leave.

"Okay," Mhok said. "I'll also take a bath and make dinner."

After a couple of hours, they had finished with their meal. Now, they sat on the couch. It had become an unofficial habit of theirs.

"How are you feeling now?" Mhok didn't beat around the bush.

"I'm," Day thought for a while, "feeling better."

Day sounded genuine, and Mhok was relieved.

"Do you want to talk about what happened today?" Mhok asked carefully. He had learned that confiding about problems helped to lessen the emotional burden.

"I-I don't know," Day looked a little distressed and pondered for a moment, "I think I can do that."

Mhok smiled, "Go on."

Day took a breath, "Today was like just every other day. We were taking the same route. As you know, we don't have many vehicles here but today there was a new car, I think it's a car. It sped up and honked behind us. In a panicked state, I left the leash, and Hazel began sprinting. I know that because I heard his barking fade away in another direction. It seemed as though Hazel was chasing the car. I don't understand why. Probably, for some revenge or something. I don't know. After that, I was so lost and,.. scared. Somehow, I tried to walk back but ended up walking far away instead. There were no people around, I think. I didn't hear anyone. Then..."

Mhok clutched Day's hand, "It's okay. I get it."

Day nodded, visibly relaxing.

"Do you," Mhok reluctantly withdrew his hand, "Do you want to go out again?"

Day looked deep in thought and chuckled, "Not anytime soon. But, one day. I can do it again."

Mhok smiled at him proudly, "Yes, one day."

Day by day, Mhok realized that his love for Day just couldn't be hidden.

But, it didn't mean that he could confront Day about it.

He couldn't. He was scared. He was scared of losing Day.

Because, if he lost Day, unlike today, he wouldn't be able to find Day again.

Because Day wouldn't want to see Mhok anymore.

With a sad smile, Mhok admitted that it wasn't Day who couldn't live without Mhok.

It was Mhok who couldn't live without Day.

Because Mhok needs Day.

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