10. Hold Me Tight

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"It must be a little messy."

Day said in defense as he unlocked the guest room.

"It's alright." Mhok didn't care about the room as long as he could be close to Day.

True to Day's words, the room was indeed messy.

"It's already late today, so tomorrow morning, you can move in with your things."

"That sounds good," Mhok didn't have a lot of stuff back at that house, so shifting things won't be much of a problem. He'd still have to call a cab, though.

After that, things passed as usual.

The next morning, Mhok brought in all of his necessary things and moved into his new room.

"We didn't discuss the rent yet," Mhok said in his usual funny way.

Day tried not to laugh at his sudden formal talk. They were past that stage.

"I didn't inform you?" Day put his hand over his mouth in a dramatic way, "It's double the rent of your previous house."

"Huh?" It was Mhok's turn to add drama, "This is not fair. I'd like to bring a lawyer."

Day laughed, "Yeah, go on."

They played along for a while before hopping in to do their respective work.

"Do you think Hazel knows the way around here?" Day asked abruptly as they sat down for tea break.

"Why? What happened?" Mhok couldn't mask his concern.

"Tell me." Day's tone was firm.

Mhok concluded that it was important, "Yesterday, when we went out, he seemed to know all the directions. Maybe his previous owner had taken him for walks here."

Day seemed to relax at that, "I want to go out for walks more often. With Hazel by my side, I'd feel safer."

Mhok wanted to tell that he was always there for Day, which included walks as well.

"Yes, you can do it," Mhok was a little hesitant. He didn't want Day to push his limits. Was it okay for Day to roam around?

Day smiled, "I want to go out this evening with Hazel."

"Should I- "

"No," Day cut him off quickly, "This is something I want to do myself."

Mhok knew better than to take offense in that. He understood that Day was a grown man who had every right to make his own decisions.

As much as Mhok disliked it, he didn't want to upset Day, so he agreed with him.

That evening, with a heavy heart and hesitant mind, Mhok let Day go.

Day, although nervous, was ready to take up this challenge by himself.

Clutching the leash in his hand, Day stepped out with Hazel.

Day turned around quickly, "I'll just take a small walk. Will be back in five minutes."

Mhok forced himself to nod and relax, "Call me if something goes wrong. And if you're not back within five minutes, I will come to you."

Day chuckled at Mhok's sudden stern tone, "Okay, mother."

Mhok eased his tension at that, "I'm not joking. Just stay safe and return fast, okay?"

Day nodded, "Don't worry. Also, don't follow me, okay?"

Mhok couldn't promise that, but he had to, "Okay."

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