06. Epiphany

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"I'm glad it can be used, finally."

Day staggered towards Mhok while clutching a laptop to his chest.

"You've never used it before?" Mhok asked.

"Well, obviously," Day rolled his eyes playfully, "It's also brand new. My parents recently bought me this so that I can do video chatting with them."

Day's eyes looked sad towards the end of his sentence. Mhok realized that Day might not have been in contact with them for some time now and also that he did miss his parents.

"Woah! Show me that," Mhok decided to change the subject and gently took the laptop from Day's hands.

Day's eyes lit up, "Is it cool?"

Mhok gazed at him lovingly. Day really was just an enthusiastic child.

"Yes, it looks nice."

Day dropped his smile, "Well then, get to work."

Mhok laughed, "Okay, Sir."

A few hours into typing, Mhok really wanted to run away from this keyboard, but since Day still looked energetic, Mhok knew that it was going to be a long day.

Even though his fingers and back ached during the prolonged writing process, Mhok could appreciate Day's work. Day as a writer was a genius.

Day seemed more mature and capable as he read out his previous written chapters. Day's writing revolved around fantasy and mythical creatures, and his eyes had a different kind of gleam whenever he was reciting a climatic event. Mhok couldn't help but be engrossed in the story as he typed away.

Mhok wasn't an avid reader and could conveniently sleep after reading a page from any book, but when it came to Day, Mhok was genuinely interested in reading.

He decided that he'd be the first one to read Day's book when it gets published.

It was almost evening when they decided to wrap up for the day.

"Are you tired?" Day asked, and his voice was laced with guilt.

"Not all all." Mhok lied as his rubbed his sleep deprived eyes.

Day nodded but didn't look convinced.

"Well, are you tired?" Mhok asked as Day let out a yawn.

"No," Day stretched his arms as he stood up, "I can do this all day."

Even though Day said it in a humorous way, Mhok knew that Day would do that without taking care of his body.

Mhok looked at Day softly, "Don't overwork, Day."

Day frowned, "Then how else am I going to get my book completed?"

Mhok sighed, "I'm here, right? We can do this taking enough time. There's no need to rush. You are young and lively and have all the time in this world. So, don't pressurize yourself."

Day looked like he wanted to object but didn't say anything.

Why was he so obsessed with completing the book? Maybe he wanted to prove to his parents that he could be independent and productive without them worrying about him nonstop.

Maybe it wasn't about his parents. Maybe he wanted to prove to himself that he was alright without his parents' help.

That he was worthy.

After a while, Day realized that Mhok was right. He didn't have to do anything in haste. He had time. If anything, that was all he had.

Day nodded with his signature boyish smile, "You're right, P'Mhok. I was overdoing it. Tomorrow, we can take breaks and do the work slowly and efficiently."

Mhok proudly smiled at Day. Day wasn't stubborn. He just needed someone who could make him understand things with patience.

After that, Mhok made dinner quickly. After finishing the food and washing the dishes, Mhok knew that he had to leave. He dreaded that thought. Instead of moving, he just stood there by the sink.

It was already late. Even though they didn't have a contract, which included the working hours, he still knew that it was late.

If it was up to him, he'd rather never leave, but that was not his call to make.

Mhok had finally come to the conclusion that he did like Day. From the beginning, he felt a pull towards that lovely and passionate boy, and now there was no denying that he was indeed liking Day more than he should. More than he was allowed to.

Mhok always knew that he liked both men and women, even though he had never dated before. Life was not very fair to him and did not give him the luxury to fall in love and date. He was always busy doing some or the other kind of jobs that he hadn't ever thought of a relationship. He had a few fruitless crushes here and there, but nothing came of it.

Mhok didn't know how Day felt about him. They had not known each other for a long time, but here he was, already hopelessly in love with Day. He sadly came in terms to the fact that Day might never see Mhok that way and that he had to keep all of his feelings bottled up.


He startled and jolted out of his thoughts.

"Y-Yeah, Day."

Mhok looked at Day and realized that Day had already taken a bath and changed into fresh clothes.

Was he daydreaming for that long? Mhok thought.

"I thought you left." Day said with a calm smile.

"How can I go without telling you?" Mhok's heartbeat increased. He knew that it was going to be really tough to keep all his feelings hidden.

Day just smiled, and they both walked towards the front door. Mhok was impressed by how smoothly Day walked with his stick. He was more competent than Mhok thought.

Mhok unwillingly dragged his feet towards the door. Before opening the door, he turned to look at Day.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, you're a great writer. I thoroughly enjoyed your work."

Day blinked multiple times, trying to take in the unexpected compliment. His head hung low as he became shy.

This was not the first time anyone had ever appreciated Day's writing, but this time around, Day sure felt awkward and speechless. His lack of social life sure took a toll on him.

"Good night, P'Mhok. It seems like it's going to rain, get home safely." He managed to say something, and to second his statement, the thunder came rumbling afterward.

Mhok smiled and looked at Day in a different manner like he did for the past few days. The look that made him realize that Day was not just his employer.

I like you, Day. He wanted to say that.

"Good night, Day."

He settled with that instead.

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