Chapter 28

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Danielle's heart was beating at the pace of a cheetah as she stood awkwardly in front of her ex girlfriend. That day after Minji and Taesan had confronted her about her way of getting over Haerin she did a lot of thinking. 

It was impossible to ignore that her feelings for Haerin were still burning as bright as the sun, it was no secret that the reason for their split wasn't because any of them had fallen out of love, that was why it hurt so much. And the fact that they made a promise just made it even more upsetting. Danielle had decided that she was going to right what she had done. She followed her heart to Canada, and here she was now. It took months to save up, working night and day along with the drawling process of university, but she finally saved up enough to be able to fly and see her beloved. 

Danielle also took the time to have a talk with Jake. She didn't want him to keep persuing her when she was already taken because that was the equivalent of leading him on. Jake accepted the unrequited feelings gracefully and thanked her for at least being honest with him. But honestly, Danielle was convinced that that boy had a heart of steel, because the following week, she saw him flirting with the one and only Lily Morrow. 

Haerin on the other hand felt anger boiling inside of her. Danielle had broken up with her over a call because she couldn't do a long distance relationship, and had immediately ghosted her, not even answering her texts. The cat eyed girl was so scared that she had lost the sunshine girl forever, or at least it felt like it. And then here she was, the same girl who had just disappeared for months on end, was standing in front of her, smiling like nothing happened. Haerin was tempted to just slam the door, but something stopped her.

No matter how hard she tried to hate Danielle, it was impossible. It was like trying to end a drought when you had absolutely no water, or it was like trying to use solar panels when there was no sun. It was impossible for Haerin to hate Danielle. Instead she leant against the door frame, giving the one in front of her a questioning look.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, trying to sound cold and tough, but she knew it sounded anything but that. Her voice quivered as she asked the question, showing how caught off guard she was. 

"H...Haerin...can we talk inside?" Danielle ignored the question and requested to be let in. Haerin couldn't help the scoff that escaped her lips. She couldn't believe this girl. 

"You're acting like you didn't just break my heart into a million pieces! Do you know how hard it was these last few months, running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to find those pieces and glue my heart back together without any closure??! You never even told me what I had done for you to want to break up with me! Am I just not worth your time??!!" Haerin burst out, gesturing wildly, completely ignoring the fact that the unit across theirs could most likely hear it. Danielle felt tears break out and run down her face as she took in the words that stabbed her in the heart. She took a step closer but the cat eyed one only took a step back. 

"I...I'm sorry, you didn't do anything wrong! It's just that you looked so sad when you mentioned our distance and I also had been thinking about our distance too! I didn't want to hold you back when we were miles away! You have so much potential Haerin and I thought I was only going to press pause on your life," Danielle explained herself, fidgeting with her fingers and doing anything but making eye contact with those eyes that once looked at her with so much love and admiration.

"You know I love you Dani, more than anything, why would you think I would feel burdened by your love?" Haerin shot back, tears now running down her own cheeks. She knew Danielle often had terrible thoughts and that the other girl's mental health was never the best, but she thought she had made it clear that no matter what, she'd always be by her side. Apparently it wasn't enough.

"I know! I know! I know!! I know you love me Haerin! I know that you promised to always help me and be by my side all the time!! I know that we had a good relationship! I know I ruined it with my insecurities and trashy mental state!!! I'm sorry I can't change!! But please don't hate me!! I...I want you back! I...I missed you!!" Danielle was now screaming at the top of her lungs, she could no longer stand and she had slowly fallen onto her knees, basically begging and pouring her heart out to the now frozen Haerin. "Don't leave me! I'm sorry!!"

Haerin felt her heart shattering and she immediately knelt down and pulled Danielle into a hug. This entire scenario felt surreal, she was finally holding Danielle in her arms again after such a long time. She wanted nothing more than to accept Danielle back as her girlfriend, but she couldn't ignore the pain and heartbreak that the girl had caused her.

"Haerin I'm sorry, please, I-"

Haerin cut her off as she leant forward and kissed her softly, immediately shutting Danielle up as she melted into the kiss, butterflies flying wildly around her stomach and her face heating up. She could never feel this way with anyone else. She didn't want to lose Haerin. Haerin was the sweetest, kindest and funniest person she had ever met and she couldn't imagine life without her, and now that she had experienced, she never wanted it to happen again.

"Dani...I'm willing to accept you into my life again....but....please give me time to process that okay?" 

Danielle immediately nodded. She was willing to wait as long as it took and this time she was going to wait. No doubts, no break ups, no tears and no pain. She felt like the luckiest girl in the world at this moment, her heart was swelling with happiness as Haerin helped her up and off of the ground.

Haerin led Danielle to the table where Joshua was looking at them in anticipation while Hanni just look plain worried and confused. This sparked some kind of suspicion in Haerin, it seemed like the doctor somehow expected this or knew what it was about. Perhaps he was somehow apart of this? But then again, how would Danielle know the address of where they were staying if Joshua himself hadn't told her?

"Did you two make up?" Joshua asked, crossing his arms and raising his eyebrow. This only solidified Haerin's theory as she turned to see Danielle nodding vigorously with a huge smile on her face. It was cute. Maybe she wouldn't need time after all, but still, she definitely needed to freshen up and make up for all that lost sleep. Hanni on the other hand was still silent as she looked in shock and curiousity between Haerin, Danielle and Dr Hong. She finally processed the news and she started crying. Totally unexpected. She got up and hugged both of them, expressing her happiness and relief for them making up.

It wasn't because of the fact that she felt responsible for their break up, but because now Haerin could actually sleep and she saw how the cat eyed one's expression had changed since the moment she left, Haerin looked way happier and brighter now, which was a good thing. She was truly happy for her sister and Danielle.


Hanni whipped around at the familiar voice and for the second time in just a few minutes, tears fell down her cheeks as she faced the one and only Kim Minji. She threw herself into Minji's arms, blabbering a bunch of incoherent words that sounded something like 'I missed you'. Minji only laughed lightly and wrapped her arms and pulled Hanni further into her embrace.

Haerin couldn't help the smile and appeared on her face as she turned to look at Danielle, only to find the latter looking at her already with the softest of smiles on her face. 

"You're so beautiful you know that? Gosh, I'm really the luckiest girl," Danielle said softly, walking closer to Haerin and pulling the kitty closer, before connecting their lips. They just needed fireworks and this would be the perfect ending for a romance story. Except that was no the end of their story, there was still so much to experience and so much firsts they could have. It was the beginning of the end.

"I love you Rinrin,"

"I love you too Dani,"

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