Chapter 5

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"No!" Hanni shot up in bed, looking around frantically as tears fell down her cheeks. Her heart was threatening to jump out of her chest as she tried to calm her ragged breathing. The echo of her soft 'no' surrounded her as she closed her teary eyes. 

BAM! The door to Hanni's room was pushed open abruptly, and Haerin rushed inside, sitting next to her sister with a worried expression on her face. Hanni quickly looked away and wiped her tears aggressively. She didn't want Haerin to see her weak side. But Haerin grabbed her hand and rubbed it with her thumb comfortingly, causing the older girl to look at her.

"What's wrong Unnie? Did you have a nightmare?" Haerin asked innocently with concern. Hanni could only stare at her sister as she composed herself. She relaxed at the comforting touch as they held hands and she felt very vulnerable in this moment.

"Do you hate me Haerin?" Hanni asked, her voice shaky.

"What! No, why would I?" Haerin exclaimed.

"If they hadn't adopted me then our...your parents wouldn't be dead!" Hanni cried.

"They're your parents too, and that doesn't make me hate you," Haerin answered confidently.

"But! If it hadn't been for me then they wouldn't have been at that murder scene!" Hanni protested through her tears.

"It's not your fault Hanhan. As cringe as it may sound everything has a reason behind it. I'm sad my parents aren't here anymore, but I still got you and you're the best big sister in the world!" Haerin said, smiling brightly. Hanni felt her heart warm at the younger girl's words as she wiped her tears with the other hand. 

"Thank you Hae," she whispered. Haerin pulled Hanni in for a hug and then excitedly pulled back.

"I'm going to see Dani Unnie today! Do you want to come?? She said she will probably bring a friend too," Haerin informed. Hanni looked hesitant. She didn't want to get in the way of Danielle and Haerin's time.

I'm already enough of a liability to Haerin

"Unnie, please! You're not getting in the way of anything," Haerin pouted, using her best puppy dog eyes. Hanni sighed as she got up with a weak nod.

Danielle was waiting outside a cafe with Minji, looking around for Haerin. She wasn't used to this and she was starting to wonder whether Haerin might've stood her up. It wasn't even the due time yet but Danielle was already thinking up many different scenarios in her head. She let out a long sigh as she tried to calm the storm beginning to take place in her head. She really needed to relax. Minji noticed this and tried to comfort her friend.

"Relax Dani, judging by what you've told me about this Haerin, I think she wouldn't be the type to stand people up," Minji said, as though reading Danielle's mind. Minji knew her friend so well that she could pretty much read her mind, or like an open book. It was just the essence of a best friend thing. Danielle knew Minji just as well but her way of reassurance was more through actions than words. Despite coming across as cold, Danielle loved a good hug and whenever Minji is feeling sad she'd just wordlessly hug her. At first Minji was quite shocked but got used to it. Danielle was a girl of unexpected charms.

BZZT! A phone buzzed, signalling the arrival of a message. Danielle squinted at the message that she had just received.


Haerin: I'll be a few minutes late. We just needed to stop by the pharmacy for a bit.

Are you ok?

Haerin: Oh yeah, I'm fine :)

Haerin: It's just Hanni Unnie needs her medicine for her heart condition thing. I think it's that her heart is faster than normal and she had a panic attack this morning and we ran out.

Oh ok, take your time

Haerin: Are you and Minji Unnie already there?


Haerin: I'll try to be quick

Danielle pocketed her phone, and relaxed a little at getting the reassurance that Haerin was actually coming. Of course, she didn't think that the cat eyed girl would be the type to break her promises, but you never know. Danielle was just very on the edge and reserved most of the time.

It was now 12:05 pm and Haerin and Hanni were meant to be there at 12:00. Despite Haerin telling her they'll be late she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed and doubtful. But that was soon washed away when she saw Haerin's figure come into her vision. She turned and gave Haerin a small wave as the other girl ran up to Danielle and hugged her. She looked up with a smile as she jumped up and down. She then turned to Minji curiously before holding out her hand.

"I'm Haerin, Dani's friend," she introduced herself shyly. 

"Nice to meet you Haerin, I'm Minji," Minji smiled, accepting the handshake. After introducing Minji and Hanni the group made their way to the park where they planned to just enjoy themselves while having lunch.

It wasn't really a picnic since they didn't have blanket, but nonetheless it was relaxing. Haerin munched on her bagel as she looked around the grassy area. Families, couples and just people coming alone crowded the area as they all just did their own thing. The sun was shining softly down and the blue sky was clear. The weather was on their side today. Danielle tapped Haerin on the shoulder and pointed at her sandwich.

"This is really good," she said, putting her hand to her mouth as her eyes shined.

"Can I try?" Haerin asked eagerly. Danielle ripped a piece of the sandwich and turned to Haerin.

"Say ah," Danielle said with the most blank expression ever, even though her heart was racing from embarrassment at her own ridiculous gesture. Haerin blushed a little and since it was plain daylight there was no doubt Danielle could see the tint of red on her cheeks. But nevertheless she shyly obeyed and Danielle swiftly fed her the piece, blushing as she realised how much closer they were than before.

It took them both a moment to really register their closeness as they stared into each other's eyes. Danielle found Haerin's eyes mesmerising while Haerin found Danielle's eyes comforting. Before long they both came back to their senses as they moved away slightly, a red tint gracing both of their cheeks. Minji's loud laughter startled them as they both forgot she was even there.

"Looks like we got a new couple in town," Minji sneered, wriggling her eyebrows playfully. Danielle ripped a piece of her sandwich as she threw it at Minji who giggled even more as she smirked once again. Danielle could've sworn that smirk that was on Minji's face would get into the Guinness World Records for being the most annoying smirk. 

"It's not good to waste food Miss Mo Jihye," Minji said, having a fake stern face on. Danielle groaned as she turned away from Minji who was laughing so hard she nearly toppled over. Haerin couldn't help but join Danielle and also threw a piece of her bagel at Minji who seemed sort of shocked. Yes, she didn't think Haerin would be the type to do that.

"Are you already being influenced by your girlfriend Haerin?" Minji asked, her smirk unwavering. Haerin groaned as she took a bite of her bagel, trying to flush the teasing words out of her mind. She could tell she was blushing because her cheeks felt hot and no doubt Minji would notice. But luckily the girl dropped the topic as she chuckled again and continued eating.

Hanni who was watching the whole exchange quietly couldn't help but let a small smile grace her lips. She was happy Haerin was branching out and making new friends. It was good progress from her overly introverted personality. She watched the other three continue to chat as she listened in, fiddling with the paper bag from the pharmacy.

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