Chapter 3

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Danielle was beyond surprised upon seeing her grade for her art piece. She had gotten the highest mark in the class. She looked at her sketch of the subway, of herself sitting alone, but everywhere there were paw prints and there was a shadow of a cat lingering around. Despite the darkness of shadows the overall mood and lighting of the sketch was quite up lifting. This was meant to represent her meeting with Haerin. Danielle let a small smile get to her as she happily packed it into her bag before going to the cafeteria.

She was met with Minji and Taesan seemingly in a debate about something. They were gesturing wildly as they tried to explain their side while the other would just give the speaker a side eye as they listened. Danielle sat down awkwardly and as though her presence were magic, their discussion ceased. 

"What's got you smiling like that?" Tasesan asked with a knowing smile. Danielle just sighed at the question. 

"I got the highest score for my piece in art," Danielle informed dully, contrary to how happy she felt on the inside. Minji gasped so loudly that Danielle could swear that half the university could probably hear the high pitched sound. And what came next was ear shattering.

"OH MY GOODNESS, CONGRATULATIONS DANI!!!!" Minji squealed, hugging Danielle in a rather aggressive embrace. Minji was just aggressive by nature. Most of the time she didn't mean to. She just was. Taesan hit Minji lightly as she glared at her while covering his ears.

"Can you shut up? Do you want half the university to go deaf?" he complained, gesturing to the people in the cafeteria staring to see what the commotion was about. Minji gave the on lookers a smile and they immediately went back to minding their own business.

Minji was very loud sometimes when she's excited or happy. There were many times back in high school and in university too that she'd attract unwanted attention due to her loud squeals of joy. But fortunately, Minji was the campus heart throb, with a good looking face and a smile that made people smitten. Even outside the campus she was famous as the 'good looking  girl of Seoul'. Yes, Kim Minji's influence was that big, not to mention she's from a rich family as well. Taesan was also pretty popular too for his good looks and humorous personality and he would be proposed to around 5 times a day. He also came from a rich family, which made sense because, cousin connections.

Danielle often felt overshadowed by the two despite being pretty good looking herself. Minji always said her stoic face made her seem a little too intimidating. Danielle was nick named the ice princess in a matter of days since she entered the university. 

"But...what's the picture meant to represent anyway?" Minji questioned, her voice lowered now.

"You know the girl from the train?" Danielle said, earning an eager nod from Minji while Taesan just looked lost. He raised his eyebrow as if to say 'What are you even talking about?'. 

"I met a girl on the train the other day and we became friends," Danielle filled him in. "I drew the picture because I wanted to convey the positivity that Haerin, the girl spread to me. I used cats because she looks a lot like one," she continued.

"No way she looks like a cat," Taesan doubted with a frown.

"Trust me, once you see her you'll take that back," Danielle yawned.

It had been quite a while since Haerin last saw Danielle. She hoped everyday that she'd get on the train to see the other girl, but for a few weeks her hopes weren't answered. Haerin waited on the platform, anticipating to see Danielle again. She adjusted her backpack as the train came to a halt. She took a deep breath as she entered, eyes darting around for the figure she was looking for. Her heart leapt in joy when she saw Danielle in her usual spot. This time, she didn't have her mask on.

"Hey Haerin," Danielle smiled.

"Dani! I missed you!" Haerin exclaimed happily, sliding next to the girl and side hugging her. Danielle was rather taken back by the sudden affection, but she quite liked it.

"Sorry, just busy with assignments," Danielle apologised awkwardly, patting Haerin's head.

"Oh, don't worry, totally get it, I've been too," Haerin nodded, a feeling of mutual understanding of the annoying task called school.

Their conversation flowed naturally as they chatted and caught up with each other's lives. Danielle found herself admiring how effortlessly cute Haerin was as she ranted about how annoyingly strict one of her teachers at school was. The pout that never left the girl's face made Danielle giggle.

"That must suck," Danielle agreed, shaking her head when Haerin finished ranting.

"I know!" Haerin pouted, crossing her arms and leaning back. Danielle laughed and Haerin turned to look. She liked Danielle's smile. It was supposedly something that seemed rare for the girl despite it being so beautiful. Every time Haerin greeted her, the girl had that signature stoic expression that seemed unchanging.

Haerin suddenly realised her stop was nearing, but she wanted to spend more time with Danielle.

" you want to come over to my place? I only live there with my sister, and I'm sure she won't mind," Haerin offered nervously.

"Sure, I don't see why not," Danielle plainly replied, but she was happy on the inside.

Haerin's apartment was rather cozy and welcoming. When they entered it was empty. Haerin dumped her bag near the couch and Danielle did the same. 

"I'll show you my room!" Haerin exclaimed, grabbing Danielle's wrist and dragging her along. Danielle blushed slightly at the gesture, luckily for her, the cat eyed girl was looking the other way.

The girl's room had green walls and was quite basic. Her desk had some photos framed and her bed was neatly made up with only a single frog soft toy. The frog was clutching a tomato to its tummy. Above the bed was a small window which you could see the small town from relatively well. It was nice, Danielle had always wanted to live in a peaceful place like this. The city was always too loud and polluted.

Danielle turned to look at the frames. One of them had little Haerin smiling brightly in between her parents who were embracing her lovingly in what seemed to be a flower orchid. The other picture consisted of Haerin and another girl who Danielle merely assumed to be the sister Haerin talked about. It appeared to be Haerin's middle school graduation and the older girl had her arm wrapped around Haerin who was holding a bouquet of flowers and a diploma as they both smiled.

"Your family seems close," Danielle commented, slumping onto the bed with Haerin. The latter who had her eyes closed opened them and gave a small nod. She sighed sadly as she turned over to Danielle who was confused at the sudden change.

"My parents died when I was 10. They both were murdered just because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. My sister is not my biological sister, and she was adopted by them a few weeks prior to when they were brutally murdered. And that day they were picking her up, so she witnessed it all, but she luckily survived," Haerin informed. Danielle's eyes widened in disbelief. Why was Haerin telling her this now? And losing your parents at the mere age of 10?? That was too cruel. Danielle was 15 when her parents sent her away and it's not like they were that close to begin with.

"I'm sorry for your loss," she mumbled.

"It's ok," Haerin replied. They fell into a comfortable silence.

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