Chapter 23

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BZZT! BZZT! Hanni excitedly looked towards her phone lying on the couch beside Haerin while she had gotten to get a glass of water. She ran towards the couch like she was trying to get a good spot in the cafeteria before it filled up and quickly snatched her phone, answering the call.

Haerin couldn't help but let a smirk appear on her face as she switched her gaze from Danielle on the phone and her sister who seemed beyond excited like a little kid being promised sweets. 

"You're down bad Unnie," she commented nonchalantly, her smirk growing bigger as it was fueled by Danielle's laughter on the other end. Hanni sighed slightly, flopping down on the couch, only to see Minji smiling at her and she immediately forgot about her sister's teasing.

"I missed you Han," Minji said with a smile. 

"I missed you too," Hanni replied sadly.

"You guys literally called yesterday," Danielle retorted as she shoved chips into her mouth.

"Dani, save some chips for me! You're going to sound like an old man soon bro," Minji shot back. "And it's not the same because I miss cuddling!"

This only caused the teasing to escalate, so Haerin opted to just go to her room to leave Hanni and Minji to their own conversation.

She and Danielle talked for a while, catching up and exchanging flirtatious remarks in between. It didn't seem like much had changed since Haerin left for Canada, it was just the same. The drawl of classes and the chaotic lunchtimes with Hyein, Minji and Taesan at each other's throats like usual.

It had only been 4 weeks since Haerin departed but it already felt like an entire decade without being in Danielle's arms, or sharing a kiss. It was painful that they couldn't seek comfort in each other's embrace now that they were separated, but they both were willing to wait as long as it took until they could see each other again.

Also, they had been face timing a lot so Danielle could teach Haerin English, and it was the first time Haerin had not been so bored to the point she was willing to jump out of a window just to escape during a lesson. Mainly because she was occupied with admiring how pretty her girlfriend's voice was, so it was easy to remember even the chunkiest phrases. It was crazy how it took the cat eyed girl so long to realise her crush on Danielle, it was plain to see so she either had been in ridiculous denial or just was blind.

Maybe both if she's being honest.

Haerin looked up at the clock and realised it was already time to head to the hospital.

Minji felt waves of euphoria upon hearing Hanni's voice again. Unlike her friend and Haerin they didn't call everyday because unfortunately, Minji taking two courses took up a lot of her time studying and making sure she aced every test. She needed to keep up that perfect girl image after all. Being the daughter of the CEO of one of the biggest companies in Korea was now laughing matter. Fortunately her parents weren't the strict demanding type but she always strived to make them proud.

She listened intently as Hanni talked about her experiences so far in Canada. Mainly about it being as cold as the artic despite not experiencing arctic weather yet, but Minji wasn't really so focused on that. She was more focused on Hanni's sweet and comforting voice. She swore she nearly fell asleep just listening to it. It was like a lullaby. All of a sudden she found herself looking at Hanni's lips and she suddenly let out a frustrated groan, startling the other girl.

"Are you alright Min?" Hanni asked with concern, her eyebrows furrowed.

"I should've kissed you that day," Minji muttered. Hanni felt her cheeks heat up and it was probably as clear as water that her girlfriend's comment made her all flustered and Minji couldn't help but smirk at the sight. 

"Good to know I make your heart flutter Han," she whispered in a low voice that sent shivers down Hanni's spine. 

Minji often flirted with her before but it never had this kind of impact on her, something about that deep ass voice and the way she looked into her eyes with that seductive stare made her shiver. She had never seen this side of Minji before.

The other girl suddenly burst out laughing like there was no tomorrow, and it took her a couple of minutes to finally calm down. She wheezed some more as she wiped tears from the corner of her eyes.

"You should've seen the look on your face," she wheezed, still struggling to catch her breath. Hanni felt as hot as an oven right now and her heart was racing badly, she too was out of breath even though she had barely done anything. Minji seemed to notice this and she immediately stopped laughing.

"Hey, just breathe," she said, guiding Hanni.

"I'm sorry," Hanni apologised weakly, once again fighting back tears. This stupid condition didn't even have a cure and she was just burdening everyone around her. They couldn't even have a moment like this without her ruining the mood.

"It's ok, all that matters is you're ok," Minji replied with a warm smile.

"HEY UNNIE! WE HAVE TO GO!" Haerin suddenly barged into the small living room, shouting like Hanni was being separated from her by a huge crowd.

Hanni gave Minji and sheepish look before apologising for leaving so soon and ending the call.

The siblings sat in the waiting room outside the therapists' office. Hanni was beyond nervous and she couldn't help but cling onto Haerin's jacket to calm herself down. Her breathing was already ragged and she felt faint. Haerin was texting Danielle, even when they were on the other side of the world you could say they were still two peas in a pod. But she stopped when she noticed Hanni was on a verge of another panic attack. She comforted her and made sure she took her medicine when the therapist finally invited them in.

An awkward silence filled the room as the only sound was the therapist typing on their computer, seemingly retrieving information about Hanni's case and all that. He then finally broke the silence by clearing his throat and turning to the two. Despite the softness of his gaze Hanni couldn't help but squeeze Haerin's hand tighter.

"My name is Minghao, I am your therapist," he finally broke the silence.


I'm sorry if this is dragging on a lot, however I feel like the storyline might make a whole lot more sense if it goes over multiple chapters if ya know what I mean?

Also, updates might be slower from now on, so I'm trying to get as much done as possible before I disappear for a bit. 

Bruh, but at this point I so need therapy right now like I'm actually not physically or mentally ok, so me too Hanni (in this story), me too :) 

Oookk enough ranting, I'll leave you to it

Until I write again

- Hanaerin15

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