Chapter 17

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"Can you have mercy on those who are single?" Minji grimaced, crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair. Haerin and Danielle were hugging each other like there was no tomorrow at the lunch table in the noisy school cafeteria. It was very cute for most people, but for Minji, she found it annoying how clingy these two were. 

It had been around 2 years since Haerin and Danielle started dating each other, and now they were all in university and their love only bloomed into the most beautiful flower over time. And unlike most couples on their anniversary, going to fancy restaurants and all that kind of rich people stuff, Danielle and Haerin spent it on the metro. 

Nobody would expect such a significant event to be celebrated on a stinky metro with working people rushing around, but for these two, the metro was a place of significance, the start of their journey together.

Haerin and Danielle only giggled at the fuming Minji as they only hugged each other tighter. They were like two peas in a pod. Minji groaned and quickly looked away, stuffing food into her mouth.

"Well, well, well, look who's jealous?" Taesan snickered, letting a wide smirk walk onto his face. 

"I'm not jealous!" Minji argued back.

"Your face says otherwise," Taesan shot back.

Danielle rolled her eyes. These two were always at each other's throats and neither of them ever backed down when they entered a bickering frenzy. Usually the only thing that could stop them was the arrival of Leehan, Taesan's boyfriend, or the need to get to class on time.

"These two act like 5 year olds, do they ever grow up?" Hyein leant over and whispered to Haerin, who simply just shrugged in response. She had gotten used to it over time, and she had learnt to just ignore them. Most of the time their arguments were completely nonsensical.

"Minji, it's ok, no need to get riled up," Hanni said softly, tapping Minji on the shoulder to get her attention. Minji immediately stopped bickering with Taesan and she turned her full attention to Hanni. The whole group was in shock, it was like Hanni had cast a spell on Minji. It was new, because Minji never usually listened to people so easily as she was a little bit too egoistical despite being really kind.

"Taesan!" Leehan called, engulfing the boy into a hug. Before Taesan, could keep teasing Minji about her so called crush on Hanni, Leehan came in the nick of time, distracting him and pulling him into conversation. Minji was now beyond frustrated. She hated the feeling of being surrounded by couples who were lovey dovey all the time. She rolled her eyes and turned away, pouting and sighing. Hyein couldn't help but observe this and decided this was her time to shine.

"Minji unnie, maybe you should go for a walk," she called out from across the table. Minji raised her eyebrows at this, but she quickly complied, slamming her hands on the table and rising from her seat. She ran away like something was chasing after her. 

Hanni watched her retreating back, her eyes full of concern. Hyein smirked at this, this is exactly what she wanted. She leant forward and tapped Hanni on the shoulder.

"Unnie, why don't you go check on her, you look really worried about her," she suggested softly. Hanni looked at Hyein then at the direction Minji went. She really wanted to, but she wasn't sure the other girl would appreciate it, considering Minji had been distant from her lately. She didn't talk to her as much and always opted to sit away from Hanni during breaks, it was no secret something was happening and Hanni was starting to get anxious. 

"Unnie, you good?" Haerin suddenly asked, pulling away from Danielle, who also averted her gaze to Hanni who looked kind of pale.

Hanni got up suddenly as she struggled to get the words out.

"I...I'm going to find Minji,"

Minji slumped against the tree, burying her face in her hands. These past few days were a mess, she didn't even know why she suddenly felt this overwhelming boiling frustration when she saw Haerin and Danielle, or Taesan and Leehan, it was really annoying. And she didn't even know why she was avoiding Hanni either, when all she wanted was to pull her into her arms and never let go of her.

Maybe she was afraid to confront her feelings or lose Hanni altogether. After all, the girl did have a lot of trauma and maybe Minji was afraid that she would do something wrong and unknowingly hurt her. So avoiding the girl seemed to be the best solution. She groaned and leant back, looking up at the bright blue sky.

"M...Minji," a familiar voice pulled her out of the tornado of thoughts she was conjuring. Minji turned her head so fast she swore she almost broke her neck from the movement. Hanni was standing there and she looked out of breath, like she had been running.

Minji got up slowly and approached the other girl.

"What do you want?" she asked coldly. Hanni felt her heart drop at the tone that the other one was using. It was as cold as ice, it pierced her heart like an ice sword. She looked down, trying to hold back her tears.

"Are you mad at me?" she asked quietly, looking up with her now slightly teary eyes. Minji felt her heart break. Hanni was crying. And it was because of her. She silently scolded herself for making her friend cry as she took a deep breath.

"No," she said in a softer tone.

"Then why are you so cold with me? Why are you avoiding me? I miss you Minji, don't leave me!" Hanni begged, her tears now falling, and Minji was wondering how could someone be so beautiful even when crying. Wait that was off topic.

"I'm sorry Han, but please know that I'm not mad at you," Minji was trying her best to not just pull her into a hug because she didn't want to risk disclosing her true feelings.

"Then why?" Hanni insisted.

Then the most unexpected thing happened. Before Minji could react, Hanni had ran into her arms and hugged her tightly, sobbing quietly. And then she said it. The words that Minji had been waiting to hear since 2 years ago. The words that made her heart race at the speed of a cheetah.

"M...Minji...I...I like you!" Hanni exclaimed into the hug.

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