Chapter 10

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Danielle's stomach was possessed by butterflies. Her hands were sweating and she felt like she could faint at any moment. She was glad she didn't eat breakfast as her stomach lurched at the very thought of what could go on in the trial. She felt a hand on hers, and she turned to see Haerin. 

"You ok Unnie?" Haerin asked, concern on her face and her voice soft as usual.

"Y...Yeah," Danielle stuttered in response.

"It'll be ok Unnie, tell me what's on your mind," Haerin insisted.

Danielle couldn't help but comply with the cat eyed girl's request. The soft tone of her friend's voice and the concern in her eyes was enough to break down her walls. No one except Minji could do that with Danielle. 

"I...I'm just nervous to see my parents....and knowing them, they'd do anything and everything to avoid getting arrested," Danielle admitted, sighing. "I believe in Ms Miyawaki's abilities, but still, I can'r help but feel...uneasy," she ran her hand through her hair.

Haerin was trying to keep a positive front. She wanted to be certain that Sakura would be able to help them without a doubt. But she knew there was always the possibility that they might be one of Sakura's few failed cases. She looked out the window, trying to think of anything comforting to say to her friend, but nothing came to mind.

How was she going to convince Danielle that it'll be ok when she didn't believe that herself?

"I feel the same way," Haerin finally replied. She reached over and grabbed Haerin's hand, squeezing it gently as a way of comfort. Feeling confident when Danielle recirpocated the gesture, Haerin scooted over and snuggled into Danielle, resting her head on the older girl's shoulder. Danielle stiffened at the sudden display of affection, but she soon relaxed into the comforting warmth. 

"I'm still single here, don't go flirting in front of me," Taesan's voice cut through the tranquil moment between the two friend. Haerin immediately jolted up, her cheeks warming up as she heard the word 'flirting' used to describe her actions.

Danielle sighed as she glared at Taesan annoyedly, trying to not appear flustered at all. But it was hard because the tint on her cheeks that was as red as a tomato didn't help her charade. Taesan smiled satisfied as he made a blushing mess out of the pair.

"You'd make a cute couple, don't you think Dani? You've been talking non stop about Haerin these past few days," Taesan went on, looking innocently at Danielle who was shooting him the deadliest dagger glares. "Haerin is so cute! Haerin is so nice and caring! Haerin's laugh is like music to my ears, I could listen to it all day! Did I tell you that Haerin is so cute?? Haerin is also very pretty!" Taesan increased the pitch of his voice while making gestures and looking dreamily at the pair, reenacting Danielle gushing over Haerin.

By now Danielle was red. Completely red. She was so embarrassed she had to hide her face in her hands and she let out a loud groan, forgetting all the nerves she was feeling earlier. She saw Minji and Taesan high five each other as Hyein was clearly struggling not to burst out laughing while Sakura looked amused but also seemed to adore the moment. Hanni was just trying to comfort her sister by hiding Haerin's blushing face with her sleeve. But Taesan wasn't done yet.

"Hanni, I think Minji has a crush on you," he sneered, making Hanni stop for a bit and look at him with wide eyes. Minji immediately stopped laughing and nudged Taesan with her elbow giving him a glare that could kill within seconds.

After the endless bickering they arrived at the courthouse. It was grand building with a pearly white exterior, tall pillars welcoming them as they ascended the steps, Sakuta exuding an air of importance as she led the way. Upon entering the court room, they were met with lots of people already seated in light brown wooden benches that lined the aisle leading to the front. In the front there were the same wooden benches, on either side with the aisle separating them. Further in front of those benches were green tables with a wooden brown frame that had a little lamp on top. And finally, the judge sat in his mighty position at the highest level, in front of the logo of the courthouse, already analysing everyone who just entered as they took their seats.

Mr and Mrs Marsh and their lawyer were already on their side. Danielle didn't even spare them a glance as they sat down, but she could tell their gaze was on her, looking her up and down like she was dog poop. She fiddled with her sleeves and shook her leg, but Haerin put her hand on Danielle's leg and gave a reassuring smile as the trial began.

"I'm Kim Namjun, and I am your judge for today. Now we will be looking at the murder case of the Kangs, the accused, please make your statement," Namjun said, turning to his left and raising his eyebrow. 

The lawyer of the Marshes stood up in silence, their every movement causing a ripple to go through Danielle's heart, making her feel more uneasy than ever.

"My clients have nothing to say on this matter, they didn't do it and that's that," the lawyer simply said, flicking her hair back as she sat down. The Marshes turned to where Sakura was standing as Namjun gave her permission to speak.

"We have plenty of evidence, starting with this phone call," Sakura walked over and played the recording where Mr and Mrs Marsh admitted to their crimes, laughing like there was no tomorrow over the phone. Danielle felt Hanni stiffen at her side and she turned to see the girl looking very uncomfortable, her eyes were closed and she looked like she might cry. Danielle only gently, grabbed Hanni's hand and rubbed it with her thumb, making the one next to her relax a bit.

"Do you have anything to say regarding this evidence Ms Nakamura?" Namjun turned to the opposing lawyer. Ms Nakamura didn't seem in the slightest bit fazed while her clients behind her look horrified.

"No your honour," Ms Nakamura said simply. Danielle thought that it was sort of weird considering she was supposed to be standing up for her parents. But she was giving up that easily? Ms Nakamura could have easily accused it of being fabricated.

"Ms Miyawaki, do you have anything more to say?" Namjun looked over at Sakura who nodded and went over to her laptop. She opened it and scrolled through her files until she reached it. It was a security footage of the murder. It was projected on the screen. Mr and Mrs Marsh looked beyond horrified. Their eyes might've burst out of their eye sockets. They were 100% sure they had disabled all the cameras.

Hanni's eyes widened as she rewatched the scene again. Her body started shaking uncontrollably in fear as she turned to Mr and Mrs Marsh and then back to the screen. Hanni tried not to break down as she tried to recover her breathing. She didn't want to go through this again. But she knew it was necessary to bring justice.

"As you can also see from the call, Danielle's parents were abusive and that can also be seen from the documents here that forcibly transferred her to Korea illegally," Sakura continued, smirking as the look on Namjun's face already told her that they won.

He banged the hammer onto the table as he looked up at the crowd decidedly.

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