Chapter 25

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Haerin leant against the window as the lecture hall slowly started to fill up. The sun was beaming proudly through the glass, illuminating the shimmering morning due that messily sprinkled itself on the lawn that lay beyond. The room was filled with aggressive ripples of chatter amongst the students, however Haerin was in her own world. She was glad she was gifted with the ability to pretty much sleep wherever and whenever she wanted. 

She was suddenly pushed roughly out of her day dream when her phone began buzzing in her pocket. She bit her lip in annoyance as she pulled it out, but her annoyance was soon replaced with joy when she read the contact name, 'Dani'.

Haerin didn't hesitate and answered the call, revealing Danielle leaning against a propped up pillow, the moonlight illuminating her face in the otherwise pitch black room. Haerin felt a strange feeling in her heart upon seeing that it was night there and it was morning where she was. The distance from her girlfriend was something she always tried to avoid thinking about, but at times like this it was inevitable that she would have to face the truth.

"Hey Rinrin," Danielle broke the cat eyed girl's train of thought.

"What are you doing up so late at night?" Haerin questioned, raising her eyebrows. She was trying to swallow the sudden lump in her throat, and trying to ignore the empty void that had suddenly appeared in her heart. But her attempts proved futile because Danielle, being the caring girlfriend she is noticed there something off right away.

"I think I should be asking something similar, what's up?" she only shot back another question, as she got up from her bed and went over to her desk, switching on her desk lamp, being careful not to wake up Minji. Haerin avoided eye contact, or more like avoided looking at her phone screen. She wasn't really sure what it was. 

"I...I'm still coming to terms with our distance," she admitted in a small voice. "When it's night there and morning here, it makes me realise how far away I am from you...I really miss you Dani," she felt stupid for crying in the middle of a crowded and noisy classroom.

Danielle was trying hard not to cry. Not only because she badly missed the cat eyed one as well, but also because she couldn't bear to see Haerin in this state of sadness. She looked out the window and gazed at the moon plastered in the dark canvas of the sky, a beacon of hope in even the most hopeless situations.

She had been thinking a lot about this long distance relationship thing. It just...didn't feel right. They both made a promise to hold on until they see each other again, but it felt almost futile. Neither of them could really live their life because they no longer had each other within an arm's reach. Who knows how long it could take for Hanni to heal herself, healing from extreme trauma like Hanni's could take years to be successful. 

Danielle felt like...perhaps it would be better if they broke up. That why they won't be tied down by each other. Maybe one day they can reunite and reignite the flame of love they had going for each other, but now it just seemed to hurt both of them. 

"Dani?" Haerin's shaky voice snapped Danielle out of her thoughts. She ripped her eyes away from the moon and forced herself to look at the kitty's teary eyes. For once she knew she wasn't going to be the sunshine, but more like the clouds covering the sunshine. The words got stuck in her throat, like cars stuck in a traffic jam. 

An overwhelmingly uncomfortable silence emanated through the call as the only noise that could be heard was the now seemingly distant chatter of the lecture room Haerin resided in at this moment. Haerin was starting to get anxious, she felt like something bad was going to happen. Her girlfriend was looking at her with a solemn look, eyes watering slightly and her whole face screamed guilt. A million different scenarios raced through her Haerin's head as she tried to come up with a logical and not so painful reason for this sudden change in Danielle's mood. 

"H...Haerin...I...I have something to say," Danielle finally said, her tone heavy.

Haerin felt her heart drop. 

"Y...Yes?" she prompted, fiddling with her hands.


Danielle could no longer hold eye contact with the cat eyed girl.

"I think we should break up,"

Haerin could only stare blankly at the screen. Her heart had dropped to her feet and she felt like a tonne of bricks had just dropped on her head, not a single one missing the chance to bonk her. Is this what heartbreak was?

"Wh..Why?" she could only question the reason for this sudden thought process, but she was afraid to hear it, despite that she wanted to know. "A...Am I not good enough?"

"H...Haerin...You are good enough...I...I just don't think this long distance relationship will work," Danielle muttered, avoiding look at her screen at all costs. She could already tell Haerin was crying without even looking at her. It broke her heart, but she needed to do this. For both of them. It felt like the right thing to do and Danielle only hoped she was making the right decision. 

"W...We promised we would make it work!" Haerin protested. She could no longer hear her surroundings, it was if her fellow classmates had just disappeared into nothing more but mist. The only thing occupying her mind was Danielle's heartbreaking revelation.

"I can't do it! I tried but it's just too hard! T...Trust me I...I love you...b...but I can't do this....and I think it would be good for you too," the other girl reasoned.

Silence again. 

Haerin ran a hand through her hair as she held back tears, her head was ringing and the lump in her throat had only grown bigger within the duration of their conversation. She cleared her throat before nodding weakly. She knew it was useless fighting Danielle, because the sunshine girl was stubborn. And it looked like the decision was final and she didn't want to force anything on her. It hurt so much. But Haerin was sort of powerless in this situation. It's not like she could throw herself into Danielle's arms and sob while begging her to reconsider her decision.

The cat eyed girl only looked solemnly at her girlfriend, begging with her eyes for a reconsideration of this ordeal, but when Danielle showed np signs of wavering with only a shaky sorry escaping her lips, Haerin just shook her head.

"O...Ok...Bye Danielle," she quickly said her goodbye before hanging up before the tears started to fall.

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