Chapter 14--We Steal Spiderman's Moves

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We plummeted toward the soldiers, SWAT style. Liam grabbed two by the neck, bringing them into a complex backflip that resulted in him landing on his feet and the soldiers' heads slamming into the wooden floorboards.

Seeing this, I thought, Whoa, cool, and tried doing the same thing. Only, my feet somehow tangled themselves in a couple of Chaos soldier uniforms, and I found myself being carried by the soldiers. It should've been the end of me there, but I somehow twisted strongly enough for four heads to crash together painfully, and the Chaos soldiers tumbled to the ground, unconscious. I landed atop them safely.

That shouldn't be physically possible, End said after a shocked silence.

Physics never liked me, I countered, shivering in fear as I recounted the various dangerous encounters I'd had with its creator, Athena.

I wasn't left to my thoughts for long, however; the six Chaos soldiers quickly surrounded Liam and me. 

"Get them!" Officer Denham ordered, but there was a stream of panic leaking out of his voice. "I give you the order to kill them! Take them out!"

"You shouldn't listen to him," I warned the soldiers as they drew closer, and Liam and I brought out our weapons. "The last time someone tried to take me out, the food wasn't blue—and I almost threw a tantrum."

"Uh, Percy, I think they're trying to kill you—not take you out on a date," Liam pointed out.

I shrugged. "For demigods, that's the same thing." Unfortunately, I wasn't lying. Dates in even the most urban of areas often ended with fighting monsters. Back on Earth in Manhattan, I couldn't even order a coffee without a hellhound bursting through a window (that always required a bit of explaining to the barista—but the Mist sure came in handy for avoiding lawsuits).

"Enough with your nonsense," a soldier snarled, then charged at me. Two others followed him, while the three that remained went for Liam. 

It didn't even take us a minute to knock them out. Yes, the soldiers were adept with their blades—but that didn't mean they could beat a two-war veteran. It was like asking a middle school flag football champion to compete in the NFL.

For a moment, no one moved as the soldiers groaned in pain. Officer Denham still had a tight grip on Aridne's arm, but his face paled as he realized the situation he had put himself in.

Go save your girl! End cheered in a mock fangirl voice, and I didn't even bother to reply. I was across the room in an instant, shoving Officer Denham away. Then I grabbed Aridne's shoulders and gently turned her to face me. "Are you okay?" 

Panicked black eyes reflected in mine as our breath mingled. "I'm sorry. I should've helped you guys. I didn't think it . . . would be so dangerous."

Before I could reassure her, Officer Denham's voice cut through the air. "I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!"

I spun around and found that Liam had grabbed ahold of the officer while I'd been distracted. Now, Liam held his sword at his throat, looking like he was ready to murder Denham.

"Liam," I started, stepping towards the duo.

But he didn't seem to hear me. "Why is the Wolf here?" he hissed. He looked more desperate than I'd ever seen him. His eyes were bloodshot, and the veins on his face seemed to be one step away from bursting from anxiety. 

"I don't know!" Denham exclaimed, looking as if he was one step from collapsing into a fit of tears. "Please don't kill me! I really don't know!"

Liam pressed his weapon closer to decapitating the officer, drawing a drop of blood. I felt sick to my stomach as I stared at the sickening—yet all too familiar—sight. "Liam, stop it—"

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