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Daisy's POV

I cried that night. Thought Lando genuinely liked spending time with me, why else would he organize a cute night like that?

I absolutely loved it.

Enjoyed the laughs, the talks in between movies and especially his little touches against my arm.

But I should've know that no one hung out with me for who I was.
They all wanted something from me.

Lando wanted followers.

I am happy he got that.

I wish I could've left in the middle of the night, but if people saw me leaving his apartment to go back to my hotel, the rumors would start again.

So I stayed, but woke up very early in the morning.

Also because I had to go to France to attend some kind of event. It was a charity event so I really wanted to go.

It was the only kind of event I actually liked going to.

And Harry was going too, so it would be fun either way.

Wanted to sneak out, but Lando was already awake, as if he was expecting that I would run.

"Good morning, I hope you are hungry" he said from behind the kitchen counter.
He was making an attempt to make pancakes, and to be honest, it smelled pretty nice.

I sat down on the counter, looking at him. "I actually am"

"Coffee or tea?"

"Coffee is fine" I shrugged, jumping off the counter again. "But I can make it, so you can concentrate on not burning the pancakes"

But as I was standing in front of his fancy coffee machine I realized I actually don't know how to make coffee.

Pretty embarrassing.

"Or-you can make the coffee and I will watch the pancakes" I said as I turned around with a smile. Didn't want him to know I actually never made coffee.

"You don't know how to make coffee, right?" He chuckled a little. He put his hand on my back, turned me back around to the coffee machine.

"So you grab one of these" he took something out of the jar next to the machine. "Put it in the machine and then you press this button"

He pointed at it, gesturing to me to press it, so I did.

"And bam, you have coffee"

I nudged him laughing. "I am just not used to these fancy machines"

"Of course" he chuckled.

We enjoyed our coffee and pancakes together. David would kill me if he knew I was eating this.
But I was actually enjoying this.

"Anyways, I should go now" I said as I pushed my plate away a little. "Thank you for breakfast though"

"Why do you have to go?"

"I have a charity event in France, so yeah.." and I don't wanna get more attached to him.
I was already way too deep.

"Okay, then I'm going with you" he said as he got up and grabbed my plate.

"You don't have to go, it's with a red carpet and all that-"

"I can walk a red carpet" he shrugged.

"Harry is coming too" I added, don't know why I was making excuses or reasons for him not to come with me.

I would actually like for him to come with me.

"I get along with Harry" he said, turning around to me. "Don't you want me to go with you, girlfriend?"

"Oh boyfriend, I really want to show you off so you can gain even more followers" I said, giving him a little jab, but he deserved it.

"Daisy, I don't care about followers or whatever. I don't know why I said that last night" he said, he almost looked genuine.

"Okay" I nodded. Decided to drop it and believe him. Maybe because I desperately wanted him to be genuine. "So you actually want to go with me?"

"It would be a honor to experience the Daisy part of life" he smiled.

I chuckled. He didn't know what he was getting into.

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