Scene 16 - A Crown Doused in Blood

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Scene 16

On the first floor there is a wedding set up with many lively floral decorations. Many nobles are sitting in the chairs waiting for the wedding to start. Onyx and Nautilus are standing in the bedroom. Nautilus is reading a book and Iris talks with servants outside the library.

Onyx: Give me a minute to think. (The spotlight closes on him and everything else goes dark.)

So head advisor Beatrice Gaius and also the king's cousin was found dead after stealing assorted jewels and even the siren artifacts. Then someone sends her a threatening message and she's killed a day after. No deep wounds on her body and the needle was clean. This had to be an inside job, by someone who was angry at them for stealing from the kingdom. That can exclude Duke Orion. (Another spotlight lands on Duke Orion who is sitting lazily in a chair.) However many crimes he commits he barely has any way to learn about Beatrice's crimes. He has no motive to kill Augustus as well. Iris and Nautilus were both attacked. (Spotlight lands on Nautilus and Iris.) So it's safe to say both can be ruled out. Additionally Nautilus's only aim was to steal the artifacts back so killing Augustus wasn't needed and his morals prevent him from killing. Augustus had been embezzleing for weeks now and then they crashed down dead right before they quit. They had to be poisoned and someone didn't want them to leave alive. Then Nautilus is attacked while stealing? We've got a deluded killer with a Robin Hood fantacy and I know who.

The lights turn fully on and Iris rushes to the bedroom and enters it.

Onyx: Did you get it?

Iris: Yes but it'll take about three days to test.

Onyx: I think that's fine right? (Looks at Nautilus and he nods.)

Iris: Are we really going to disturb the ceremony? What if we're wrong?

Nautilus: We aren't. We all agreeded there was a connection.

Onyx: We can't risk them getting more power or trying something else after the ceremony. Besides I believe the next best thing to evidence is guilt and a confession. (Smiles)

Iris: I suppose so. But are you sure he should be the best one to explain it?

Onyx: I trust him to pressure them into confessing.

Nautilus: Oh relax, scary little servant girl. I live to annoy and this will be the key to justice!

Iris rolls her eyes and Onyx snorts. Azalea and Phobos enter and stand next to a wedding officiator. Phobos wears a dark black suit and Azalea dons a stunning red dress. They face each other and hold hands. The three head to the wedding area with Nautilus in front and steps ahead. Iris and Onyx discuss.

Iris: Whatever you say. Are you sure I can't explain it? We need a lot of tact to disturb a marriage ceremony. How many years in jail is it for false accusations again?

Onyx: Oh relax these aren't false and Nautilus is a lot smarter than he looks.

Wedding officiator: Sire.. you're supposed to say I do.

Phobos: Huh? Oh yeah, that.

Nautilus runs in grabbing the attention of everyone at the ceremony. He points upwards. Nautilus's movements become more dramatic and with flourishes.

Nautilus: I object! (The audience gasps.)

Onyx: Oh boy.

Wedding officiator: You can't say that yet!

Nautilus: Everyone listen up! Today is not a regular ceremony, but an event of justice's light shining on the truth!

Azalea + Phobos: What?

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