Scene 2 - A Thin Red String, Cut and Destroyed

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Scene 2

Onyx: What nosy little insects.

Azalea: Get used to it, they'll stay extra unpleasant as the king keeps them locked in the castle.

Onyx: Why pray tell didn't you place me as an actual detective?

Azalea: Must you complain so much? You were an official reverend before.

Onyx: While your everlasting spoiled nature only grows over time people have the tendency to change when they lose everything. My practice began to fade as I went from blessing beggars to becoming one after a certain princess and her brother-

Azalea: Oh not this again. I'm sorry-

Onyx: -ruined my life and left me penniless! Now you have me frolicing around, laying waste to my own culture.

Azalea stares and scoffs.

Azalea: Are you demented? You seem to reminisce all that but not the hefty sum I'm offering you. Now did you forget everything I informed you at the bar?

Onyx: In my defense I was drunk.

Azalea: What?!

Onyx: Why else did I actually feel the urge to join you? Come on Azalea, sober me would have walked out the bar entirely.

He keeps investigating the needle he holds and waves a single hand at Azalea gesturing to her to explain.

Azalea: God you're insufferable, the king ceased all investigations of Beatrice Gaius's murder claiming the killer most likely broke in and left town right after.

Onyx: She was the king's cousin right?

Azalea: Correct. That's how she earned the job so fast. Yet the two were never close due to implicit hints of jealousy.

Onyx: What a bold claim to push the death aside.. And what reasoning does he have for that?

Azalea: It's been unheard of a crime to endure in the security of the castle itself, but the king uses the claim that Beatrice, the victim, was obsessed with her jewelry. The king waves the statement of anything more dire and says, the killer breaks through the window, kills the girl, steals her rings and ditches.

Onyx: You act like that's so far-fetched. You better have not brought me here for nothing.

Azalea: I'm actually investigating the incident. Unlike our king, who cowers to the other nobles and now he wants to throw away the body and hide our only lead. Come on, it's obvious he's ignoring this whole event because he's too scared to create untrust within the castle. But that victim was his cousin and he acts like he couldn't be next. Now get up, if the king finds I hired an ex detective to search around the castle he could very much have our heads for it.

Onyx: It's our problem now? You're shoving me this new role as the king's advisor and reverend. I have to investigate and work while you sit leisurely.

Azalea: Placing you as a replacement for Beatrice grants you many liberties you don't value enough.

Onyx: Fine, fine.

The stage lights turn on again showing the set vacant except for Onyx and Azalea. Onyx starts to walk away and walks past Azalea.

Azalea: Where are you going?

Onyx: Finding new suspects.

Azalea: How do I help?

Onyx: Help me? Go get me a drink. You'll only be a bother if you act smart enough to be a detective.

Azalea (irritated) : Please. Like I wasn't the one to convince Iris to keep the body after your pathetic attempt at acting. The only emotion you conveyed from the stage was laughter.

Onyx: (Starts to leave the stage.) A negative!

Azalea: I'm not getting you, you're goddamn drink!

Onyx simply leaves the stage. Azalea scoffs and turns to the front of the audience and does the gesture (spinning finger around ear to imply another person is insane and Azalea leaves the other side of the stage.)

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