Scene 3 - A Toast to Death and Ruin

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Scene 3

Three lords walk into the stage and the first figure leads them to the private bar housing a table for three. They take out glasses and wine from the cabinet behind the table and make their drinks before sitting down. They all have different makeup and features corresponding to their species. One figure (Arabella) has fake ears shaped in the style of an elf and wears a laurel headpiece, another wears shell earrings, blue colored contacts, and long flowy sleeves indicating gills (Oliver). The last looks stern, dons a loose white shirt and fake fangs (Nick).

Arabella: A toast to the prosperity of our respective kingdoms. May the Lord give us success even after we remain separated from this earth.

He raises his glass and the other two follow.

Nick: A toast! Let us simple lords progress content with our lives.

Oliver: A toast! To the anomaly finally ending this period of monotony.

The other two takes their glasses back and tilt their heads away,

Oliver: Did neither of you join to see that strange little reverend's performance?

Arabella: Oh I regret that I did.

Nick: Did you hear that man's wail about the body being cursed?

Oliver: Oh that part was my favorite! (The other two glare at him.) Oh come on, don't tell me you take his little ritual secretly.

Nick: More like he's an embarrassment to our faith.

Arabella: The goal of the parting is to prepare the body before burial. Decorate the departed with flowers and relics in which the body will bring with them to the afterlife.

Nick: That "Reverend" (He brings his hands up and uses quotation hands.) was poking and prodding that body to the point it almost seemed he was aroused with her.

Oliver: (Laughs) Seems the duchess has some competition. (A pause) So, just to waste some time, who do you think could have killed the servant?

Arabella: The king says it was a random thief.

Oliver: A random thief wouldn't break into a guarded castle filled with twice the amount of people as usual. Is all your kind this gullible?

Arabella grits his teeth and scoffs, taking a small sip of his drink, while Oliver gulps down half of his glass.

Nick: Perhaps the baroness? (The other two look expectantly at Nick.) With the black hair. Wasn't she one rank below the king's advisor?

Oliver: You think she would kill to get her spot?

Arabella: She's probably got the king charmed already. [He looks at Oliver. Oliver's expression turns more frustrated.]

Oliver: So quick to blame our blood.

Nick: Sip your drinks you two, I have no time for your debates right now.

Arabella: And speak of the devil.

Iris and King Phobos Gaius walk into the stage and speak while Iris carries several papers and nervously follows the king. The three watch the two and lower in their seats slightly. The king frantically flips through two papers he holds.

Iris: My liege please wait! And keep your voice down!

Phobos: Then the kingdom's gardens need fixing, a-and we need money to put aside for the marriage ceremony- oh the lords will never want to trade with the kingdom if everything looks cheap.

Iris: My lord, farmers on the west side have been arguing for lesser taxes. Can we please handle that first before we pay for the ceremony-

Phobos: What?!

The king stops, turns around, and Iris bumps into him and drops most of her papers. She groans and both of them work to pick them up.

Phobos: Why are they arguing? I was able to lower them last month!

Iris: And you raised them back to maintain the resources used to house the nobles last week. We dubbed the taxation rise to pay for better defense, but one family's crops were raided and the common folk demand justice.

Phobos: Uh.. We can just... We can compensate the farmers with..

He proceeds to flip through the papers he holds. Iris yawns. He flips through the pages fast and stops and nervously makes a panicked squeaking noise. Iris moves her hands to comfort the King.

Iris: King Phobos! Please relax, sir, I can try to research ways to borrow spare money tonight at the castle's library.

Phobos: Oh please don't! (He maintains his composure.) Baroness you're tired already, I heard you yawn and you've been working since morning.

Iris: But-

Phobos: Get some rest, I don't need your appearance for today's gathering. And for all the other issues I'll take your advice and study in the library today. (He takes Iris's pages and flips through them swiftly.) It'll be easy. (His voice cracks at the last word.)

Iris: Sire what if you need help-

Phobos: (He puffs his chest out and points his finger at her while backing away.) Go sleep. That's an official order from the king. (He stumbles but exits stage left after tripping.)

Iris signs and notices the three sitting at the table. She scowls and stalks off the existing stage right, pushing her arm in a 'forget it' motion at the three at the table.

Arabella: You know what? I don't think she did it anymore.

Oliver: Really?

Arabella: It was probably the young king.

Oliver: What? To his own cousin?

Arabella: (Laughs) Not on purpose of course. He's so stupid he most likely managed to kill her by accident.

Oliver: Oh spirits, this may be the first time I've heard you make a joke.

Nick: Not a fan of the king?

Arabella: I won't bore you with the details, you've probably heard all this before anyway, too young and too gullible. The old monarch should have taken this land instead of gifting it to his son like it's a playground. (He hums and raises his glass.) I give the Kingdom of Ash a year until its demise.

Nick: I say 3 years. (Raises his glass.) The king can stall his end by selling the artifacts recovered from the war, but the end is inevitable.

Oliver: Please, those heirlooms are known as prized treasures of history. The king can't sell or disregard the relics without causing an uproar from the ones who were stolen from. Maybe even a civil war. (He raises his glass swiftly.) I say 6 months before they get what's coming for them!

The three clink their glasses together and drink from their glasses. Another servant [Augustus] comes on stage right.

Augustus: Hear ye! Hear ye! May everyone please come for the gathering.

Oliver: Oh my! How much time has it been?

Arabella: Oh shoot! (Stands up) It's been nice gentlemen, but it's time to leave.

Nick: Why so jumpy?

Arabella: This bar area I chose.. may be reserved already for Duke Orion.

Nick: What?! Why would you-

Arabella: Some of the best wine is stored here!

Oliver: (Laughs) I had no idea you were this bold!

The other two stand up and hide their glasses in the bottom section of the cabinet. During this more noble characters enter both sides of the stage and separate into four small groups. The three separate and join their three different groups while trying to act inconspicuous. Each group has distinctive makeup and accessories.

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