Scene 4 - Gilded Masks and Hidden Secrets

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Scene 4

Augustus: Welcome again to the first official social gathering in the Ash kingdom! And now a word from our majesty, King Phobos Gaius!

King Phobos enters and speedwalks to the center, stumbling on the way but he puffs his chest up and tilts his chin up at center stage.

Phobos: (Clears his throat.) Welcome everyone to join in my engagement with Duchess Azalea. I thank everyone for visiting this enormous change coming to the Kingdom of Ash. The Kingdom of Ash is a symbol of diversity and unity. Thus all these representatives of each land coming to visit the kingdom to support this alliance only shows success in my father's dream to see each species reside next to each other. (He raises his hand.) I thank you all for your respect and unobstruction in the handling of certain previous events that not need be dwelt on. My gratitude, to the Fae of the south, (The bottom left group bows, they all wear floral clothing, pastel face makeup.) Elves in the north, (The top left group bows, they all wear fake elf ears, green clothing, and silver jewelry.) Vampires in the east, (The top right group bows wearing fake fangs and dark makeup.) and the Sirens in the west islands (The bottom left group bows wearing colored contacts, flowy blue/purple toned clothing, shell and coral accessories, and light sea toned make- up.) Now let us all enjoy the food and let light jabber-chatter! Let light chatter and music flood these halls!

The crowds disperse slinking to the background, some talking to each other or eating at the back table. On the right, King Phobos exhales a breath and heads to the table in the back, taking a bottle of wine and chugging it. He chokes from the alcohol's strength and coughs vigorously. A duo next to him are the only ones to notice him. That duo is Augustus, the servant elf who looks concerned and Nautilus Avyukta; siren prince donning ripped formal wear and shell accessories. Nautilus looks amused. During this Onyx enters stage left and silently discusses with other side characters in the manner of interrogating.

Nautilus: My my, are you okay My liege?

Augustus: Your Majesty! Should I call Ms. Iris?

King Phobos tries to look intimidating but pouts and his cheeks unconsciously swell out as he straightens his posture.

Phobos: No! No. Don't trouble her, I was heading out anyway to.. er deliver some papers.

Augustus: Oh, I could always deliver them.

Phobos: There's no need, I have some other errands to do anyway. Besides, I wouldn't want to disturb your fun?

He looks at the two with suspicion before leaving the stage right. Onyx notices the King leaving and approaches Augustus.

Onyx: Excuse me, was that the king?

Augustus: Why yes, why do you ask?

Onyx: Oh I am new to the estate and-

Nautilus: Oh the reverend?

Onyx: (Side-eye.) And the new advisor, yes.

Nautilus stares at Onyx and Onyx stares back uncomfortably. Onyx turns back to Augustus.

Onyx: Where is he?

Augustus: He left shortly to deliver some papers.

Nautilus turns around and starts to prepare two drinks.

Onyx: What papers are that important? Doesn't he have to oversee the gathering?

Augustus: I asked to take them but he said to not worry.

Onyx: I see. Do you know which room he is headed to? I have some questions to ask about my position.

Nautilus: Sadly no, he asked for no one to disturb him. (He sticks a drink out to Onyx.) I could always try to answer some questions you have. I've had many advisors over the years,

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