Scene 8 - A Kingdom of Ash and Ruin

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Scene 8

Onyx bows to the king. Onyx mouths good luck to Azalea and the two head off stage. Onyx heads up to the bedroom and lays on it. He places his pillow over his ears but removes it when he hears the next conversation. The spotlight zones in and out of different rooms once the conversation is finished. The spotlight zones in the first floor. King Phobos and Azalea are arguing while Iris and Augustus work in the treasury dome open for the audience to see. Iris stands near Augustus who is holding a board with a scroll in front of it. Augustus is logging inventory into the scroll and counting various items across the room. Onyx swiftly jumps out of the bed and presses himself to the bottom of the wall.

Phobos: Look I feel bad about Beatrice, after all she was my cousin, but for lord's sake she was robbed Azalea! End of story.

Azalea: She was dragged to the treasury and the killer didn't take anything else? What if the other kingdoms are trying to sabotage us or someone in this kingdom? What would you do then? Let this kingdom crumble?

Phobos: You went against my direct orders to cease investigations. Don't you dare twist your words and place blame on me. (Azalea scoffs.)

Iris: My what conspiracies are you filling yourself with? Is this the auspicious duchess to rule the kingdom or the pretty set piece placed here so the fae can remain breathing down our throats?

Phobos: Wait-

Azalea: Watch your tongue, you hypocrite. The king might give you free reign to act like a royal but you'll never be one of us.

Phobos: Duchess!

Augustus: Hypocrite indeed. For someone who hates demanding royals you sure play the part of one extremely well.

Azalea: Be honest with me. Do you actually believe this was a robbery or are you too worried admitting a murder in the kingdom would sully your good name?

Phobos: Good name? (Laughs) I am correlated with concepts of weakness and fragility. You talk of protecting the kingdom when ideas of a murder will only spark outrage! The citizens will be scared of another slaughter. The royals will either refuse to trade with us after seeing us in a weak position. They'll exploit our economy.

Iris: (Mutters) Especially your brother. (Augustus smirks and Azalea ignores the both of them with a huff of frustration. She turns her eyes back to the king.)

Azalea: So if there is a murderer you would let them go free just to keep others placated? Even if they strike again, you'd prefer to cover it up?

Phobos: No - no! I just think recklessly announcing the chance of a murder would trigger a wave of panic and do us no good!

Azalea: What if I found evidence?

Phobos: What if you listen for once? Why must you always go against me?!

Iris: Stop acting like the hero, duchess. If there was evidence, your little detective boyfriend would have found it already when he was prodding Beatrice's body earlier.

Augustus: What's this about a detective?

Iris: Stay out of this and go back to counting.

Augustus: (Grits his teeth.) Alright, Your Majesty. (The words are doused with sarcasm.)

Azalea: And why are you so keen to brush this away, oh supreme baroness?

Iris: What are you insinuating? Why would I even? Ugh there are larger issues at hand in the kingdom. Who are we serving? You frivolous royals-

Phobos: Iris-

Iris: -or the hundreds of citizens of the kingdom? Especially considering the state of-

Augustus: Money's fine baroness. Trust me I'd know when you got me to log the amount of valuables for the third time yesterday.

Iris: Then why are there still debts to pay and money needed to be put aside for the villages?! Instead of wasting time on these strange theories (Azalea's mouth curls to a sneer.) and useless sarcasm (Augustus rolls their eyes.) We should handle these issues within the citizens-

Augustus: I just count the money baroness, I don't control how it's used.

Iris: Everytime we put money aside more than needed is lost and more are protesting-

Augustus: God! (Throws their scroll and clipboard on the ground.) Maybe, just perhaps it's the large amounts of revels and ceremonies you plan for those frivolous royals you hate!

Iris: I just like to do things perfectly. It's not my fault the rest of you don't understand how to get things done.

Onyx: Those two seem to get along well.

Azalea: (Scoffs) Will you two restrain yourselves?

Augustus: Since when were you to talk? (Azalea gives a threatening look. Augustus flinches slightly before glaring again. Iris picks up Augustus's clipboard and scrolls.)

Phobos: Can everyone just calm down please? Please? Hello?!

Iris: Spirits. See Augustus these records are so sloppy. (Examines the scroll.)

Augustus: And there you complain again! (Takes the scroll and rips it. Iris gasps and glares. Azalea looks annoyed and Phobos has a mix of expressions between worried and anxious.) I have been working constantly! I am well aware that you have no social life and only one friend, (Azalea watches Iris's expression slowly turns livid. Phobos is panicked.) but it would be gracious for you to realize not every task needs to be done perfectly: "by the book". (Imitates Iris when saying that last phrase.)

Phobos: Okay I think we all need a break! Should I make tea for everyone?

Iris: Stay out of this.

Phobos: Okay.

Azalea: (Snorts) Seems like someone's lost their temper. Now I wouldn't mind some chamomile-

Phobos: Don't you have a conspiracy to solve? (Azalea side eyes him.)

Iris: You all think everything is so easy for me?

Iris throws the board on the floor. Augustus rolls his eyes bored of Iris's rant as if he's heard this too many times already. He stretches his arms a bit as Iris goes on getting more and more infuriated. Azalea looks at Iris both annoyed and bored. Azalea makes a mocking gesture with her hand opening and closing her one hand to imitate Iris's mouth blathering on and on as she's yapping.

Iris: Having to deal with you and the rest of the servant's inert and complaining everyday?! You and the others may be more useful than Beatrice, but! Some days you're just calling the kettle black gossiping about her affair than doing a single, minuscule piece of work!

Azalea: You are just pity party central aren't you?

Phobos: That's enough!

Azalea: Why are you always so keen to take her side?

Iris: Because I'm right.

Phobos: Hey!

Augustus: Oh please! God you are the most sickening- Fine! If you find me so useless then I quit you little-!

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