Scene 12 - Fools Gold

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Scene 12

Azalea: Where have you been?! I've been looking for you!

Onyx (Drowsily): Huh? Oh I'll fill you in later.

Azalea: (Takes Onyx's hand and pulls him up.) Next time let me know before you wander off. I almost panicked and thought that the killer could have attacked you.

Onyx: Mhmm, what time is it?

Azalea: Morning, and last night was a nightmare. (Onyx laughs.) You heard everything didn't you? The king hates me more than ever now. Ugh. And I never expected our treasurer to want to quit. And my brother comes out of nowhere right before!

Onyx: Seems Augustus just reached their breaking point with Iris.

Azalea: But they've hated each other since they started working together! So it's strange why Augustus decides to leave now. Trust me when I've had to watch the worst arguments with them and... (Sighs and holds her temple.)

Onyx: What?

Azalea: Iris is paying the servants double of their wages for the extra preparations for the nobles' visit and Phobos's engagement with me. Augustus just seems too greedy to throw that away.

Onyx: That is pretty strange. Hmm I'll meet you at lunch. (Walks out to the library door.)

Azalea: What are you doing now!?

Onyx: Scratch an itch.

Onyx goes downstairs and Azalea gives a confused look and leaves the stage. Onyx heads to the frst level which is filled with many nobles and familiar faces such as Iris and Augustus. Augustus is on the right talking with some nobles and Iris is on the left with a servant. Onyx is walking to the left but is interrupted by Augustus who sees him. Augustus is holding a pink drink and wearing a handbag.

Augustus: Hey rookie! (Walks to Onyx.)

Onyx: Hey! How are you?

Augustus: Best I've been in a while. (Smiles) Shame it had to happen right when someone fun like you comes to work here. (Gestures to Onyx.) I'm quitting my job.
Onyx: (Fakes shock) Really? What triggered this?

Augustus: Just got sick of the overgrown prisses living here. (Grins and takes a sip of his drink.)

Onyx: What will you do now?

Augustus: What I've been dreaming to do: Travel around, live freely.

Onyx: Well, I wish you luck.

Augustus: It's been a pleasure.

Augustus grins and raises their glass up before leaving. Onyx walks to Iris talking to a servant.

Helena: Come on baroness! I just watered the gardens yesterday.

Iris: Then why are they all wilting?

Helena: Uhh, perhaps the sun.

Iris: It was cloudy yesterday!

Helena: (Nervous) Well, uh, No it wasn't… I'll go water them now.

Iris: Good. And do it well.

Helena leaves. Iris turns to Onyx with a sneer.

Iris: My time is money detective. If you're going to lie, at least do it quickly.

Onyx: This isn't a lie! Look what if I (Puts hand on Iris's shoulder.) help make the kingdom's money problems go away. But you have to do me a favor in return and also trust me.

Iris: Did Azalea tell you of our issues with money? Seriously?

Onyx: And it's only a matter of time before others find out about this kingdom's struggling economy, so will you help me? I think there's a root cause to this.

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