The Helmet

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The sounds and smells of Hogsmeade greeted her as she entered the village early in the morning. Olive was convinced no one actually slept here as no matter the time it was always bustling with wizards. She pulled her robes a little tighter as the wind passed through warning that winter was near.

The warmth of the Three Broomsticks welcomed her as she stepped through the door and up to the bar. It didn't take long to spot Sirona, she was stationed behind the counter polishing her mugs and enjoying the company of those sitting at the bar. Olive slipped into the last remaining stool and Sirona's eyes flicked to her.

"Should I expect any trolls in the village today?"

Olive chuckled "I don't believe I have them on my schedule today." Sirona placed a Butterbeer in front of her which was gladly accepted. "Sirona, speaking of trolls, I've been meaning to ask you something if that's alright."

"I suppose I can indulge you for a moment, although I don't know much about trolls." She smiled.

"It's actually about someone you were speaking to that day. A goblin."

"Lodgok? I can assure you he is not in league with Ranrok and his lot. He's a friend." Sirona looked at her with slight skepticism.

"No no, I didn't think that. I'm glad to know your friends." The proprietress loosened up a bit at her words.

"Lodgok and I have known each other for many years. He used to come around when I was still a student waiting on tables. Back then he had a deep mistrust of wizards, we weren't exactly friendly, but he was polite. Slowly we earned each other's trust after I bought the place, but I hadn't seen him in ages, when you came in that was our first meeting in years. He's been just as worried as the rest of us about Ranrok and his loyalists, not all goblins are on his side."

Olive wiped the Butterbeer from her face "I was hoping you would say that. Do you know where he may be now? There's something I want to ask him, about Ranrok."

"Hmmm, if I had to guess it has something to do with the rumors that he may be working with Rookwood?" Sirona raised an eyebrow and Olive just smiled sheepishly. "I hear he usually frequents the Hogshead, he's a trusted metal trader and does his business there." Olive hopped off her stool, dropped a few galleons on the table and said her thanks.

"If you do see him, let him know I sent you. He is still wary about wizardkind, but he might be more open to speaking with you if he knows we're friends." Olive nodded in understanding and made her way to the door.

"Whatever you do, make sure you watch your back." Sirona called to her.

If memory served her correct, the Hogshead wasn't too far from here. She had accidentally made a wrong turn the last time she was in the village and ended up in the dark area. Imelda caught her before she had gotten too far and asked her if she had a death wish. It wasn't a secret that most of the business done down that alley was based in dark magic, it's where the poachers frequented, but also where items were sold on the black market.

Eyes followed her as soon as she stepped foot on the street, that's how she knew she was in the right place. Words turned into whispers as she walked by, and she kept a hand on her wand in her pocket as she passed.

"A little far away from school, aren't you girl?" A wizard sneered at her; she didn't acknowledge him as she walked into the Hogshead.

The inside was just how she pictured it to be, dark and dreary, smelled slightly of must and sour wizards' brew. It was rather empty, to be expected, as many wouldn't risk showing their face during the day. The man behind the bar called to her, telling her to take any seat she'd like. She spotted Lodgok quickly, seated at a table by himself nursing a stein, he didn't look at her until she approached his table.

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