The Missing Pages

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It felt as though Olives body was a sack of rocks when she woke in the morning. Memories from last night's endeavors flashing through her mind. She thought of Sebastian and hoped he didn't have it too rough with the headmaster last night, she would have to thank him in person for taking the fall for her.

She decided to take a shower and allow the hot water to soothe the aches and pains she still felt. Poppy was already getting ready for the day when Olive emerged from the bathroom, their other two roommates were nowhere to be found.

"I was about to head to breakfast; do you want to come?" Poppy questioned, sleep still thick in her voice.

"Yes, I would love that." Olive smiled at her friend and the two departed for the great hall.


The great hall was bustling with chatter as students came and went for breakfast. It was the weekend, so everyone was relaxed at their tables, taking their time,

and enjoying the company of friends. Poppy and Olive quickly joined the Hufflepuff table and began to fill their plates settling into quiet conversation about the beasts Poppys gran had started taking care of.

Across the hall a particular student was watching.

"I can feel you staring at her, paint a portrait it'll last longer." Ominis grumbled to his friend.

"I'm not staring! Simply observing." Sebastian retorted.

"You were definitely staring, Sallow." Imelda chirped as she plopped down beside him.

"Thanks for the vote of support Imelda. Really guys, I wasn't staring." Sebastian rolled his eyes.

"Not that we'd judge you, she did kick your ass in a duel and then got you detention. Sounds like we'd get on well." Imelda shrugged as she poked at her eggs.

"Still not understanding why you didn't let her take the blame. I could only do so much with Black since you were the only one caught." Ominis leaned on his fist.

"Let's just say our interests may be aligned. Plus, now she's in my debt and I intend to collect." Sebastian defended, trying to get his friends to move on to another subject.

"Good morning Slytherins!" the group groaned as Garreth Weasley approached. "You must be groaning with sadness after your dramatic defeat at the hands of our new fifth year, Sallow."

"Shove off Weasley, before you meet your dramatic defeat." Irritation thick in Sebastians voice.

"Really Garreth, don't you have your eyebrows to go singe off?"

"Very funny Imelda, I just wanted to make sure Sebastian's ego is intact, glad to see it is."

"Probably just as glad as we are to see your head is still attached to your body." Garreth rolled his eyes at Ominis' comment and walked away to the Gryffindor table joining Leander.

"D'you reckon he gets off on being an insolent prick?" Sebastian questioned, his two tablemates just shrugged and continued their meal.


During breakfast, Olive had received an owl from Professor Fig asking her to meet him at her earliest convenience. Naturally, that's where she headed straight away after her meal, telling Poppy Fig had some extra assignments for her to complete.

Climbing the steps to his office, Olive heard faint hushed conversation coming from behind the closed door. It was Fig and someone who she couldn't make out the voice, but they both sounded concerned. Very carefully she cracked the door open to be able to hear what they were saying, looking through the small slit she was able to see Professor Sharp across from Fig.

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