Trolls in Hogsmeade?

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Olive decided to drop off her things in her room before going down to the great hall for lunch. The few school supplies she had until she got the rest replaced later today was left on her nightstand and the Hufflepuff robe was folded neatly on her bed, today was much too hot to be wearing it.

As she departed the common room and climbed the stairs up from the basement, she conjured up her field guide to flip through on the way. She had noticed that a glossary had appeared with the spells she had learned today and the pages they were on, and underneath them was a list of spells she had yet to learn.

With her nose in her book, she didn't notice she was about to walk into someone before it was too late. They collided with a force that almost knocked her off her feet, the one who she had knocked into seemed relatively unscathed, only dropping their wand in the process.

"Merlin's beard, I'm so sorry- "She began apologetically, bending down to pick up the wand that had fallen.

"Ugh! Will you watch where you're going! I'm the one who's blind so you need to pay attention!" A cold sharp voice pierced her as she started standing back up.

Shocked by the anger she stared blankly at him for a moment, he was taller than her, blonde hair slicked back, pointed features and eyes that had a haze over them, he was so incredibly put together. She was sure he looked familiar, but she couldn't figure out from where.

"I'm so so sorry, I-I meant no harm, I'll be more careful from now on. I've got your wand, if you'd hold out your hand, I'll put it in your grasp." Olive was trying to rectify the situation, but it seemed the Slytherin had no care for that.

He snatched the wand as soon as it touched his hand, it began flashing red sparks as he walked away without a word. She released the breath she didn't know she was holding. As he departed Olive noticed the wand acted almost like a compass, giving him a sense of direction. She would have to be sure to keep out of his way for a little while not wanting another run in with him.

Brushing off the encounter, she continued to the great hall where a spread of items had been laid out on the tables for lunch. Olive sat at the end of the Hufflepuff table and grabbed a sandwich and a bit of fruit from one of the trays. She had never gotten to eat much prior to her meeting Professor Fig, so having this much access to food was still a little overwhelming to her.

Many students decided to grab things to go, choosing other spots on school grounds to enjoy lunch. The tables remained relatively empty as she sat there and ate, so she didn't feel much pressure to chat with anyone. To be honest, she felt a little exhausted after the morning, her social battery was drained rather quickly with all the different personalities she had met thus far. She had never been around so many people in her life and it was certainly a lot to adjust to.

An owl gracefully flew through an open window and landed in front of her on the table, careful not to step on anything. In its mouth was a letter addressed to her, she took the letter from it and as a token she gave it a piece of the orange she had been eating, it cooed as it flew back through the window.

As she flipped the letter over, it had been sealed with wax in the initials M.W.

Please meet me in my classroom, we will discuss your extra assignments and trip to Hogsmeade.

Professor Weasley

Olive wasted no time gathering herself together and making a bee line to Professor Weasley's class, using her map to make sure she got there quick. Upon entering the classroom, she saw Professor Weasley seated at her desk, speaking to a house elf before he snapped his fingers and disaparated.

"Oh, there you are, come on in," Professor Weasley rose from her desk and met Olive in the middle "I trust your first day went well?"

"Yes Professor, I really enjoyed my classes, I can't wait for the rest."

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