Owls and Flying

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It was early afternoon; Olive was enjoying the sunshine of the courtyard while working on her potions homework. It had only been a few days since Professor Fig had left for London to speak with the minister, and Olive was heeding his advice and not neglecting her studies. She had spent all her time since the restricted section on her education, trying to catch up to those in her year. While she had excelled, there was clearly a deficit which motivated her to push herself that much more. She would become more, if not better than what everyone expected her to be.

With her nose deep in a book, she didn't notice an owl landing in front of her until she heard his screech of annoyance. She didn't recognize the owl, it wasn't Figs, but he had dropped off a letter addressed to her.

"So sorry, thank you." She fished out a treat from her bag and threw it to him which he happily took and flew away. Olive had learned rather quickly to give an owl a treat when it delivers a letter, Poppy's owl had bitten her the other day and refused to relinquish the letter until she paid up.

Meet me in Lower Hogsfield, I have something I'd like to discuss with you.

- Natty

Curious to know what Natty would want to discuss with her outside of school grounds, Olive quickly packed up her things and headed toward the hamlet just south of Hogwarts.


Natty was rocking back and forth on her feet when Olive finally arrived. The girl waved her over as soon as she saw her head coming over the hill.

"Thank you so much for coming, I hope it wasn't too much trouble." Natty greeted her with a smile.

"No trouble at all really, although I am a bit curious as to why you called me all the way out here instead of the castle?" Natty pulled her friend by the elbow just off the path away from the people walking in and out of the hamlet.

"Well, I've been thinking. I'm not sure if you knew this, but I was at the Three Broomsticks after the troll attack, I saw Rookwood and Harlow try and fight with you that day. I can't help but be concerned for you and your safety, especially since we've become friends so quickly."

Olive gave her a comforting smile, "Natty, I appreciate your concern, but I am okay, everything is under control."

"Under control for now maybe, but they'll be back. It's not everyday that they put a target on a students back, why are they even looking for you?" Natty was probing, she knew something wasn't right, she was smart.

Olive sighed deeply and looked away for a moment, trying to juggle the idea of filling Natty in. Granted she had told Sebastian, but she had some reservations about that as well, the more people who knew what was truly going on, the more danger she felt she was in.

Sensing her hesitation, Natty grabbed Olive's hands "Please, let me help you." Olive nodded.

"Okay. It's a bit much, but they're after something that Fig and I found at Gringotts. I'm still not sure of the significance of it, but it has to do with the fact that I have an ability to see a rare ancient magic. Whatever it is that they're looking for it has to do with that magic, I just know it. I haven't been able to fully control it yet, but I've been able to use it a few times. The troll in Hogsmeade was just a distraction to try and get to me."

"Wow, I would have never guessed that... I want to help. Watching you look so unafraid and undeterred in Hogsmeade that day has really inspired me to stand up to men like Rookwood and Harlow." Olive was a bit shocked, she didn't think she seemed 'unafraid and undeterred', so it was nice to hear she did a good job at hiding it.

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