Thanks to Sirona

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The lively pub silenced for a moment as Olive and Sebastian charged through the doors. The pair quickly composed themselves, trying to hide the fact that they were running from dark wizards. Walking over to the counter, Olive noticed a goblin staring at her on his way out, she smiled at him, and he quickly looked away and continued to the door. Glancing behind them to ensure no one was following, the two students sat on the stools in front of the bar.

"Oh, that's a new face." Said a witch behind the counter, who Olive believed to be Sirona Ryan, proprietress of The Three Broomsticks.

"Hello, I've just started at Hogwarts, I'm Olive."

"In that case, Butterbeer's on me. I've just heard about the troll attack, glad you two are unharmed." Sirona used her wand to summon up a couple of cups of Butterbeer and placed them in front of the pair.

Sebastian clinked their cups in cheers "Thanks to you! You'll be known as the troll slayer of Hogsmeade!" he boasted.

Olive shook her head "Oh no, it's thanks to both of us, I don't think I could have done it without you." She smiled at the boy beside her.

It was quiet for a moment as Olive took her first sip, the golden liquid was warm and smooth, had a taste of butterscotch but wasn't sickly sweet. It was the most comforting drink to have after the events of the last few days.

"Strange that trolls would be in Hogsmeade, it's never happened before... Something's not right, usually the only brutes we deal with are-"Sirona was cut off by the doors busting open by Rookwood and Harlow. "Speak of the devils." She rounded the corner form behind the counter and approached them.

Olive felt her heart beat faster as she watched from the corner of her eye, hoping by some miracle they wouldn't recognize her. She and Sebastian busied themselves with the drinks in front of them as Sirona confronted the two dark wizards. Rookwood questioned Sirona about Lodgok, the goblin who she had seen leaving as they were arriving, showing his distaste for goblinkind.

Why work with Ranrok if he hates goblins so much?

"I'm only here for this one, anyway." Out of the corner of her eye Olive saw Rookwood make an advance toward her, but he was cut off by Sirona stepping in front of him, blocking his view.

Olive and Sebastian stood up from their stools and backed up Sirona, "My friend is enjoying a well-deserved Butterbeer." She said unfazed by his aggressive nature.

"I only want a word." Rookwood tried to make another advance, suddenly everyone in the pub stood from their chairs and drew their wands pointing them at the two wizards, Olive and Sebastian included, daring him to make another move.

"Perhaps you didn't hear what I said, my friend is busy." Rookwood glanced around, seeing they were outnumbered and glared at Olive, she gripped her wand tighter.

"Can't drink Butterbeer forever." He taunted her as he turned and walked out the door, Harlow in tow.

Once they were gone, Olive released the breath she didn't know she was holding and put her wand away. "It would appear that you've made an awful enemy, Rookwood and Harlow are worse than any troll you may encounter, you'll have to be careful from now on." Sirona looked at her with slight worry and then continued to check in on her patrons.

Sebastian tuned on her quickly "Ranrok, Rookwood and Harlow are after you now? What is it that you're not telling me?" he said with a slight accusatory tone laced with a bit of worry for his new friend.

"I promise to tell you everything, but just not here, please." Olive begged with a hushed tone as she looked around, unsure of who was listening. Sebastian nodded and the two exited the establishment to the cool fall evening.

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