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"Lumos!" shouted Fig and a bright light omitted from his wand revealing that the space around them had transformed, and they now stood in the middle of an open room, how far it went Olive did not know.

"This vault surely is nothing like I've seen before. We will need to earn our way out of here, almost like a test. However, I can't say what our reward will be. Do not stray far, there is no disaparating out of Gringotts, we will need to stand our ground should something go awry." Fig said seriously with a grim undertone.

She felt scared, but not as much as she would be if she were alone. If anyone could get them out it would be the professor. She stayed close to him as they waded between large pillars, unsure of the direction they were headed.

She heard the whispers again, a little further from where they were. As they continued closer, she saw the light, but this time it was on the floor. "Professor, I see that blue light again, just up ahead! It's coming from the ground!"

She ran toward it, and Fig kept up with her speed. As Olive moved closer, the whispers intensified, the glow was now right in front of her and what resembled water was bubbling out of the crack in the stone. She felt the urge to pull out her wand, pointed it down at the glow and then pulled up, dispersing the magic around them. Fig stumbled from the small shockwave and the glow disappeared. In its place was another enchantment spread out across the floor.

Fig recovered himself and moved closer to her, holding his hand out to help her up "Are you alright dear? I'm not sure what you did, but you've certainly changed the scenery."

"I'm alright, thank you. Professor... There's a statue, just there, its underneath us..." She pointed to the kneeling knight just below them in the reflection of the enchantment.

Eleazar once again could not see what she was describing. It was starting to worry her a little that she was the only one who could see beyond these enchantments. Surely, she couldn't be the only one. She thought for a moment, he was able to see the door after she had cast Revelio, perhaps it would do the same thing here. With a wave of her wand she chanted the spell, once the shimmer settled, in front of them was the knight, but above ground.

"Well done! This must be what you saw in the reflection. I'm not sure how I missed it, must be older than I think." He joked.

"This is what I saw, but something is strange. Now the reflection is under the knight, but it's backwards, I- I don't understand..." She looked to him for guidance, and as he rounded the statute, she saw the reflection move, following his light.

"That's it sir! The reflection is following the light from your wand, it's turning around! It's a puzzle!" Excitement evident in her voice.

"I must say I'm having difficulty seeing the reflection underneath. Perhaps, you should cast Lumos to get it to the right position?"

Light illuminated from the tip of her wand, and she guided the shadow to match the statute in front of her. When they matched up just right, the knight rose to a standing position, lifted the sword in its hands, and dropped the tip back into the ground, rumbling the floor around them. She laughed with joy having been impressed with herself to have solved it, but the joy was short lived as the statue came to life. Wind whipped around them and several more statues seemed to fall from the sky.

This can't be good she thought, eyes widening.

"Watch out!" Fig shouted as Olive shrieked and dodged the swing of the sword that went for where her head was just a moment ago.

Professor Fig made quick work with his wand, shouting spells at the newfound foes destroying them one by one. Olive tried to keep up with him, but with only a basic magic cast under her belt, she felt useless. She managed to destroy one, but not before it tried to slice off her other appendages a few more times, she was very thankful to have learned Protego during lessons. The statues kept falling around them, and Olive pushed herself harder, each basic cast she threw out felt stronger than the last as she felt the power build up in her.

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