Keys and Dragons

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The two weeks before school had passed quickly, she progressed rapidly with her magic, as much as she could with a loner wand. Professor Fig had taught her how to do a basic cast of magic, along with a few attempts at charms, but she was hesitant after a practice round of "Wingardium Leviosa" had sent the couch through the window, he thought her swish and flick was just a little too much swish. She felt stronger with his help, giving her the confidence to keep pushing through.

Half the day was spent on basic magic, the other half was spent on curriculum to help her reach the intellect of her fellow 5th years. Fig had mentioned that Deputy Headmistress Professor Weasley was working with the other professors to create extra assignments to help her learn spells.

It was the evening before they were scheduled to depart for Hogwarts. Olive had taken to her habits from the orphanage and cooked dinner "The muggle way" as the professor had put it, she had done so every night after they first arrived, it was the only way she knew how to show her gratitude to him for all he had done thus far.

"Please, allow me to help you, I insist. Although you may have to show me some of these muggle techniques. You can be the teacher for the night." Eleazar joked with her as she chopped vegetables.

She laughed "Are you sure you can handle the muggle techniques? Professor I have seen you try to light the fireplace without magic." Olive said sarcastically, poking fun at the gentleman whom she had become comfortable with.

"Ah, you saw that did you? I suppose we all need a bit of humbling every once in a great while. You must agree to keep that between us, I can't have the other professors knowing, it would absolutely ruin my reputation."

Together they prepared dinner, laughing and joking with one another, she was happy here, and the thought of going to a new place tomorrow brought the thoughts of worry through her. She grew quiet after a moment, only the sounds of knives hitting cutting boards were heard, and her eyebrows knit together as she got lost in her own mind.

What if I'm not good enough?

What if everyone thinks I'm a freak?

What if I disappoint Professor Fig?

Fig noticed her sudden silence, and turned his head to look at her, "What worries you, Olive?"

She took a deep breath and put her knife down.

"Professor what if I'm not good enough? What if I fail, and I'm the new 5th year with no friends who can't even pass her classes? I don't know if I can do this." she felt tears prickle in the corner of her eye.

"But what if you are good enough? What if you do succeed? You will never know unless you try. My dear you have already progressed greatly in your magical abilities, and I'm not just saying that because you're my charge. I must say I'm impressed. You will make many new friends at Hogwarts, there is always room for another. If the need every truly arises, which I doubt, I will always be your friend." He smiled at her, a true smile that made the corners of his eyes wrinkle showing his age. Eleazar and Miriam had never been able to have children, but he would like to think that if they had, they would be like Olive.

She nodded her head, wiping the tears from her eyes "Thank you Professor, sorry, I'm not sure what came over me."

"It's the nerves, no need to apologize. I can't imagine what you're going through, being thrown into all this." He patted her shoulder "Now, let's eat and get to sleep, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

After dinner, she bid the professor goodnight and headed to her room. Her things had been packed away, only what she needed for the journey tomorrow was left out. While they had been at the cottage, owls had delivered packages of books, school robes, and supplies like cauldrons and quills she would need for the school year. She worked quickly to become familiar with this new inventory, and carefully stored them in the trunks Professor Fig had conjured up for her.

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