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(Belle's POV)

The cafe near the river was a picture of tranquillity, its serene waters reflecting the somber grey of the sky. I arrived early, the anticipation a fluttering bird on my chest. The table I chose was secluded, a private nook where I hoped to confront the tangle of emotions that Vivienne had stirred within me.

The clock's hands inched towards noon, no sign of Vivienne yet. The cafe began to fill with the lunchtime crowd, their voices a low hum in the background. I ordered two coffees, the second a silent invitation, a hope that would soon turn to ash.

Noon came, and the growing weight of realisation inched its way into me. She would come right? The coffee was growing colder, untouched, a bitter testament to the distance that had wedged itself between us.

I couldn't help but allow my mind to wonder a myriad of reason for her lateness. Had something happened? Was she caught in the web of her own domestic turmoil, or was it a deliberate choice, a retreat from the precipice on which we both teetered?

Doubts crept in, insidious and cold. Had I misread everything, the stolen glances, accidental touches, the unspoken words that hung heavy in the air? The possibility of rejection, of a misstep in this delicate dance we had been performing, gnawed at me with venomous teeth.

The minutes ticked by the cafe's warmth did little to comfort my fraying nerves. The second coffee sat as a monument to my dwindling hope, its steam no longer rising, the aroma fading into the cacophony of lunchtime rush. I glanced at my watch, the hands ticking, each second amplifying the silence.

The door of the cafe swung open, a gust of cold air weaving through the cafe, carrying with it a figure shrouded in a dark coat. My heart leapt, but it wasn't Vivienne; just another patron seeking refuge from the chill. I sighed, a sound lost amidst the clinking of cups and the murmur of conversations.

With a heavy heart, I decided to leave, the untouched coffee serving as a bitter reminder of what could have been. As I stood, my gaze caught a glimpse of something outside the window-a shadow moving swiftly along the riverbank. Vivienne...her form was unmistakable even from such a distance, her pace urgent and her head bowed against the wind.

A mixture of emotions warred within me—relief, anger, confusion. I stepped outside, the cool air biting at my skin. As Vivienne got closer, she turned her head towards me, her eyes meeting mine, a storm of emotions reflected in the depths of her hazel pools. There was an apology, a fear, and something much more profound that neither of us had yet dared to name.

We stood there, silent, on the cusp of revelation, the river flowing beside us peacefully, a witness to the tumultuous journey of their hearts. It was a moment of truth, where the unspoken could no longer remain hidden, and the risk of vulnerability seemed the only path forward.

Vivienne's breaths came out in visible puffs as finally stood before me. "Belle, I'm so sorry I'm late. I hope you can forgive me."  She breathed out heavily, her voice barely above a whisper.

I tried to keep my tone light, despite the turmoil inside. "I was about to send a search party," I joked, but my smile didn't quite reach my eyes.

She gave a small, rueful laugh, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "I wish it was something exciting that held me up, but it was just... an argument with my husband. It's always the same thing, over and over."

The casualness of her admission stung a stark contrast to the chaos of emotions it caused. "Is everything okay?" I asked, though I wasn't sure I wanted to hear the answer.

Vivienne looked away, her gaze drifting to the river. "It's complicated. You know how it is. Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in a river of expectations and disappointments."

I reached out, touching her arm gently. "I may be just another student to you now, but I'm here for you," I reminded her, and for a moment, we just stood there, finding solace in each other's presence.

The silence stretched between us, comfortable yet charged, as we both knew that this conversation was just the beginning of something more. Something that had been simmering beneath the surface, waiting for the right moment to emerge.

Vivienne's eyes lingered on the river, a silent testament to her inner turmoil. "I know," she murmured, her voice a mix of gratitude and sorrow. "It's just that everything feels so overwhelming at times."

I nodded, understanding all too well the feeling of being adrift in a sea of uncertainty. "Life can be relentless," I said softly. "But remember, rivers always find their way to the sea. Maybe we just need to let the current take us where we're meant to go."

For a moment, Vivienne seemed to ponder my words, her gaze still fixed on the flowing water. Then, with a deep breath, she turned back to me, a determined glint in her eyes. "You're right, Belle. I can't keep living like this, trapped in a cycle of unhappiness."

The air between us crackled with the intensity of her declaration. It was as if the very atmosphere had shifted, acknowledging the weight of her words.

"I want more," she continued, her voice gaining strength. "I want to feel alive, to experience everything I've been denying myself. And I..." She hesitated, her eyes searching mine for a sign of understanding.

"And you?" I prompted gently, my heart racing with the possibility of what she might say next.

Vivienne took a step closer, her breath mingling with mine in the crisp air. "And I think I want to explore what's between us," she confessed, her voice barely a whisper.

The world seemed to stand still in that moment, the only sound the gentle lapping of the river against the bank. I reached out, my hand finding hers, our fingers intertwining naturally.

The air between us was charged, a silent current of anticipation. I leaned in, drawn by the gravity of what we were about to dare. Vivienne's eyes closed, and I felt her breath hitch as our faces drew closer, the space between us filled with the promise of a kiss.

But just as our lips were about to meet, a deep voice called out, "Vivienne!"

We sprang apart as if burned, and there he was, Vivienne's husband, strolling towards us with a smirk. He was holding a bag from the bakery down the street, oblivious to the storm he had just interrupted.

"Hey, I thought I'd find you here," he said, pecking Vivienne on the cheek. "I brought you your favourite—chocolate éclairs."

Vivienne's smile was strained as she accepted the peace offering. "Thank you, that's thoughtful," she managed to say, her eyes darting to mine, filled with a mix of apology and panic.

I forced a smile, feeling the weight of the moment that had slipped through our fingers. "I should get going," I said, my voice steady despite the chaos inside.

As I walked away, I couldn't help but glance back. Vivienne was watching me leave, her expression a silent plea for understanding. Her husband, meanwhile, remained unaware, his presence a stark reminder of the complexities we were entangled in.

The near kiss lingered in my mind, a bittersweet 'what if' that would haunt me until our next stolen moment.

Helloooo!! Thought I'd post early today. 🤗 enjoyy, and have a nice day/night ☺️💕💕

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