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(Belle's POV)

(If this makes you uncomfortable skip the part, please.)

Navigating the castle-like university corridors, I replayed my conversation with Vivienne in my mind, a sense of unease settling within me. While I didn't regret our discussion, a twinge of jealousy stirred within me, a rare emotion I seldom experienced. There was something about Vivienne that held a captivating allure, a magnetic pull that left me in a state of contemplation.

As I made my way toward the front of the university during my free time, lost in my thoughts, a sudden jolt of pain shot through my shoulder as someone collided with me. Startled, I looked up to find Lavinia, the friendly girl who had recently become my acquaintance. "Belle! Oh, my goodness, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Her genuine concern and outstretched hand offered me solace, and I gratefully accepted her assistance, acknowledging her apology and expressing my own.

"Yes, I'm okay, don't worry. Thank you, and I apologise for not looking where I was going." Assured of my well-being, Lavinia and I continued down the hall, her friendly demeanour easing my earlier tension. Unbeknownst to her, I caught sight of a mysterious figure lurking in the shadows, their gaze fixed on me. A fleeting smile passed between me and Lavinia, and I welcomed the comforting grasp of her hand as we walked together.

"Have you considered joining the book club?" Amid our conversation, Lavinia proposed the idea of joining the book club, a notion that piqued my interest as a means to extend my time outside. Lost in contemplation of my encounter with Vivienne, I entertained the thought, masking my inner turmoil with a smile. "Maybe, I will. It sounds interesting."

"Hey, Belle? Do you maybe want to go out for coffee later?" The invitation to grab coffee later extended by Lavinia was met with a nod and a gentle smile. My longing for iced coffee was evident in my acceptance. Soon, we found ourselves seated at my favourite cafe, engaging in a conversation that delved into our interests and passions. As we shared our stories, I discovered Lavinia's affinity for photography and her shared love for literature.

Amidst our exchange, Lavinia's excitement for the prospect of joining the book club was palpable. "So, are you going to join the book club? If you are, let me know. I'd like to at least know someone there when I join."

With a sip of my iced coffee, I entertained the idea, contingent on her participation. Her joyous response signalled our shared agreement, and we made plans to attend the club together the following day.

As the evening drew to a close, I bid farewell to Lavinia, the moon casting a soft glow on the path ahead. Embracing the chill of the night air, I savoured a moment under the moonlight before embarking on the familiar journey back home.

A gasp of fear escaped my lips as a hand wrapped tightly around my arm, sending a shiver down my spine. Turning back, I was met with the ominous silhouette that now loomed in the dimly lit street. Attempting to break free, I struggled to run, only to be forcefully yanked back into the harsh glow of the streetlight. The figure, now illuminated, revealed a face I had long despised—the man I was forced to address as 'father'. His intoxicated breath hung heavy in the air, repulsing me to my core.

"Why are you out so late? You have no right to stay out without permission. Go home immediately and brace yourself. You're in deep trouble," his words sliced through the night, leaving me paralyzed with fear. With a heavy heart, I reluctantly obeyed, knowing that defiance would only invite greater suffering.

Upon reaching home, the familiar slam of the door signalled his arrival. The tension in the air was palpable as he advanced towards me, his grip tightening around my hair as he violently spun me around. The sting of his palm striking my cheek repeatedly left a trail of blood, his venomous words cutting through me. "Go upstairs now, I can't stand seeing that disgusting face of yours." He harshly shot at me, I scrambled away, running upstairs, hearing him hurling insults my way. I retreated to the confines of my room, a place where his disdain for me disappeared.

Alone in my room, I tended to my wounds, my hands trembling as I cleaned the cuts and applied band aids. Collapsing to my knees, the weight of the night's events bore down on me, leaving me breathless and broken.

Curling up on my bed, the pain and anguish consumed me as tears continued to flow freely. Drifting into fitful sleep, I was roused by voices downstairs, prompting me to cautiously investigate. Peering over the stairs, I observed a conversation unfolding between my parents and a stranger, the tension thick in the air. Startled, I turned to retreat but collided with a tall figure looming behind me.

"Belle?" The voice was soft yet tinged with concern. Looking up, I found solace in the compassionate gaze of Vivienne. Without hesitation, I sought refuge in her embrace, tear streaming down my face in silent desperation. "Vivienne," I whispered, a mix of relief and vulnerability in my voice, grateful for her presence in my moment of need.

Concern etched on her features, "Belle. What happened to your face?" Vivienne's inquiry about my injuries pierced through the silence. Struggling to find the words, I diverted her attention, masking the pain behind a facade of indifference. "It's nothing...it doesn't matter." I deflected, attempting to shield her from the harsh reality of my suffering.

Undeterred by my evasion, Vivienne's tone shifted, a blend of sternness and care that sent a shiver down my spine. In her unwavering gaze, I found a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that enveloped me.

"I got into a fight." I lied, my voice barely above a whisper, filled with shame and fear. Vivienne's reaction was immediate, her hands cupping my face as she demanded the truth. "I won't ask again, Belle. Who. Did. That. To. You." Her words were firm, her hazel eyes searching mine for answers.

Reluctantly, I confessed, my heart heavy with the weight of my words. "Father..." I trailed off, the truth hanging heavily in the air. Desperate to protect me, I pleaded with Vivienne not to intervene, assuring her that I would be okay. She reluctantly agreed, but not without shooting a menacing glare in my father's direction, a silent warning that did not go unnoticed.

As the tension lingered, I shifted the conversation, "Why are you here anyway?" questioning Vivienne's unexpected presence.

"Aren't you glad I am here?" Her reply only deepened the ache in my chest, a reminder of the tangled web of connections that bound our lives together. Unable to bear peering over at father conversing with the unfamiliar silhouette below, I retreated, seeking solace in the sanctuary of my room. "I should go back to sleep now, it's late."

Sensing my need for space, Vivienne followed me, a silent presence offering comfort in the darkness that engulfed me. Before I could shut the door, she halted me, her eyes reflecting concern and compassion. Embracing me in a tender hug, she bestowed a gentle kiss on my cheek, just like I had the night we met, it was a gesture of understanding and support that touched me deeply. "Why does it feel like I've known you forever? It's strange, but I like it. I still have to keep my promise though." Her words lingered in the air, a sense of familiarity and warmth weaving through the somber atmosphere. As she withdrew, a promise hung unspoken between us, a silent vow of solidarity that transcended words. With a heavy heart, I watched her leave, her presence a bittersweet reminder of the fleeting moments of connection in a world marred by darkness.

Alone once more, I let out a sigh of resignation, sinking back into the embrace of my bed. Closing my eyes, I allowed sleep to claim me, seeking refuge in the oblivion it offered from the harsh realities of my existence.

(Hello!! I'm back. I'm truly sorry for taking so long with updates, as I've said before I haven't been getting ideas or motivation to write recently, and I have also been preoccupied with other stuff in my life. I hope you understand, thank you for reading, and most importantly thank you for being patient.) 🫶🏻💗💗

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