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(Belle's POV)

I awoke from my sleep, my face throbbing with pain. The events of the previous night replayed in my mind, a harsh reality that I couldn't escape. Gazing at my reflection in the mirror, I winced at the sight of the band-aid on my cheek and the bruises marring my skin.

With a heavy heart, I made my way to the shower, seeking solace in the warm cascade of water that washed away the physical and emotional pain. As I dressed and applied my makeup, I concealed my injuries as best as I could, putting on a facade of normalcy despite the turmoil raging inside me.

Arriving at the university, I forced a smile as I met up with Lavinia, my loyal friend who stood by my side through it all. We made plans to sign up for the book club during lunch, a brief moment of distraction from the harsh reality of my life.

In our first lecture, the professor set a daunting task for the class, assigning an essay on a classic literature author. As the lecture progressed, my thoughts drifted to Vivienne, now Mrs. Evergreen, who commanded my attention even in the midst of my academic responsibilities.

After the lecture, I approached Vivienne, "I just wanted to thank you for last night..."

"Excuse me? Last night, what are you talking about?" Her confusion and denial of any memory of our interaction left me feeling foolish and uncertain. "Uh. I- Nothing...it doesn't matter. Goodbye, Professor." With a forced goodbye, I retreated, my heart heavy with unanswered questions.

Meeting up with Lavinia again, we signed up for the book club, a small reprieve from the chaos of my life. As we prepared for the first session later that evening, I clung to the sense of normalcy and camaraderie that Lavinia provided, a fleeting moment of respite in a world filled with pain and uncertainty.

The afternoon turned to evening, and we made our way to the library for the book club. My heart raced as we approached closer and closer, anticipation mingling with anxiety. I had never been to a club like this, so I had no idea what to expect. As we entered, I couldn't help but scan the room while traversing deeper inside, where conversations were heard everywhere. I watched Lavinia chatter animatedly with our fellow members, her laughter ringing through the air like a siren's song. I listened half-heartedly, still observing the room, until my focus was disrupted by a beautiful silhouette that entered from across the room, Vivienne...

I stared at the older woman, having not expected her to be the one to lead the book club, I was visibly taken aback. My ears drained out the sound of Vivienne's voice, all I could focus on was her unexpected presence. I knew I should focus solely on the book club, but right now that was impossible. Her gaze met mine, and we held eye contact maybe longer than we should have, she was first to look away, as she cleared her throat. Already delving deep into discussion with the other members, the group discussion began around twenty minutes in.

And during this particular discussion, I felt myself become drawn to the characters in Crime and Punishment, especially Raskolnikov—the tormented protagonist wrestling with his inner demons. I saw parallels in him that slightly reminded me of myself—the intensity, the struggle between darkness and light. As the others debated the merits of Dostoyevsky's work, my mind wandered, imagining myself as the tortured hero, my own heart aching.

"Belle, are you alright?" Lavinia's concerned voice pulled me back to the present. "Yes, I'm fine," I forced a smile, trying to hide the turmoil within. "Just lost in thought."

After the book club, we were both walking together along the street. "Tell me what's going on, Belle. You've been distracted since this morning." Lavinia pressed for more information.

With a deep breath, I decided to confide in my newfound friend. "Last night...I saw someone. Someone special. We...we were intimate, at least I think we were. But when I tried to thank them today, they acted like they didn't remember anything..." Tears welled up in my eyes, but I wiped them away hastily. "What if it was all in my head? What if I imagined everything?"

Lavinia's eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed in determination. "No, Belle. If you remember it, it happened. And I believe you." She linked arms with me.

"Don't worry. We'll find out what's going on. In the meantime, let's enjoy the rest of our university life, okay? You can't let one confusing incident ruin everything," Lavinia reassured me. I nodded, grateful for her support. "Oh, and do you want to sleep over at my house?" Nodding once again, not wanting to return home, I accepted her offer gratefully, I'll just have to find a way to hide my bruises.

As the hours passed, I began to relax, momentarily forgetting the confusing yet intimate incident. But as we settled into bed, the memories of my encounter with Vivienne, imaginary or not, haunted me once more. I lay awake, reliving that same moment, the warmth of Vivienne, and the feel of her lips on my cheek. My body responded to these memories, arousal pooling between my legs as I imagined her body entwined with mine, the pleasure they could share.

Unable to resist any longer, I slipped out of bed, padding quietly to the bathroom. I closed the door softly, leaning against it as a finger trailed downwards, not quite touching the spot I so desperately needed to relieve. I imagined Vivienne's hands guiding mine, her tongue gliding across my dripping folds, exploring eagerly. Quiet moans escaped my lips at the thought of it, muffled whispers of the professor's name escaped my lips.

Then, before I could continue my intimate exploration, a knock rapped against the bathroom door. "Belle, are you okay?" Lavinia's voice sounded from behind the door, I composed myself, before opening the door, smiling innocently. "Yes, I'm completely fine, don't worry. I just really needed the toilet, I'm sorry if I woke you..." I lied, hoping she'd buy it, in which she did with a tired yawn. I watched her retreat to the bedroom, and so did I. Closing my eyes, and falling into the realm of dreams.

(Short chapter, and I'm sorry if this seems rushed. Thank you for reading! ☺️💗💗)

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