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(Belle's POV)

A week had slipped by since my unforgettable encounter with Vivienne, a memory that persistently danced through my thoughts, leaving my cheeks tinged with a rosy hue each time it revisited my mind. It had successfully ensnared my attention, diverting me from my daily routines without mercy.

The longing to see Vivienne once more tugged at my heartstrings, coaxing me out of bed as the morning light delicately flittered through my curtains. I made my way to the bathroom, conveniently nestled within my bedroom, catching a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. In that moment, I found myself secretly wishing for her captivating hazel orbs to meet mine instead of the ocean blue ones that stared back at me.

As I admired my cascading blonde waves, fair skin, and slender figure accentuated by delicate white lace undergarments, an unspoken desire lingered—a desire for her eyes to trace the curves of my form in the mirror's reflection.

After setting the necessary toiletries aside, I shed my undergarments, letting them fall to a soft pool at my feet before stepping into the opulent shower that belonged to my "parents". Emerging refreshed, I dressed in a crisp white sundress with cuffed sleeves, cinched at the waist with a fashionable brown belt, and completing the ensemble with a matching bag slung over my shoulder.

A touch of makeup enhanced my features—a hint of crimson on my lips, a gentle blush on my cheeks, and a soft brown eyeshadow to highlight my ocean-blue eyes. Descending the grand stairs of the mansion, I ventured outside, greeted by a gentle breeze and the warm caress of the sun.

Walking along the familiar sunlit streets, I made my way to the charming cafe that had become a beloved sanctuary. The mere thought of indulging in my favourite treats quickened my pulse. Pushing open the cafe door, the cheerful jingle of the bell announced my presence to the staff.

My eyes met Amyris's welcoming gaze, a dear friend whose unwavering support and kindness had been a constant in my life. She stood as one of the most respectful and considerate individuals I had the pleasure of knowing, always ready to lend a listening ear whenever I sought solace.

"Belle! Take a seat, and I'll prepare your usual now. I won't be long." Amyris called out from behind the counter. With an appreciative smile, I settled into a chair and reached into my bag, retrieving my familiar sketchbook and pencil.

Moments later, the sound of approaching footsteps signalled Amyris's return. She beamed as she placed my customary treats before me—a much-needed coffee and my beloved Red Velvet cake. My eyes lit up eagerly, and before indulging, I shot Amyris a grateful grin. "You're an angel. I love you so much," I expressed warmly, savouring a bite of the cake. A contented hum escaped my lips as I sketched out a basic outline, refining it with confident stroked to depict the facial features.

Completing the sketch, I meticulously erased the guideline, adding a few final touches before admiring the finished piece. Satisfied with my work, I set the sketchbook aside, enjoying another bite of cake and a sip of coffee.

As time drifted by, I gathered my belongings and settled my bill at the cashier, bidding Amyris farewell before leaving the cafe.

Lost in thought, I found myself amidst cherry blossom trees, revelling in the beauty of nature.

Contemplations about starting university tugged at my mind as I strolled through the park, questioning if it was truly my path or merely the weight of external expectations. Such uncertainties often clouded my thoughts, leaving me pondering deeper.

Making my way home as evening descended, I scanned the house for signs of activity before wearily retreating to my bedroom. Collapsing onto the bed, I contemplated the approaching university term, unsure of how to occupy my time. Drawing and reading seemed like the most likely activities to fill the days ahead.

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