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Draco was doing homework until he heard his phone ding, which he ignored and carried on working... until it dinged again

and again

and again.

Furiously, Draco picked up his phone, unlocked it and went on snapchat to see who it was.

*On the chat

answer meeeee

I will mess up your hair if you don't answer me

That last message offended Draco so he gave in and answered.



You. I want you


You heard me

Well read me because we're texting

Is this some kind of joke Potter?

No, i put it on my life. I really like you Malfoy, i have since first year and im sorry i'm telling you over text but you push me away whenever i try to talk to you in person. I know you don't feel the same so i'll leave you alone.

Potter wait.


I like you too, i have since first year too. I'm sorry i push you away but after the night in the bathroom, i've been frankly afraid of you. I would like to meet in person to discuss this if it's okay?

Shit.. I'm so sorry for that, you don't understand how guilty i feel. You wanna meet up in the ROR now?

It's fine Potter don't work yourself up about it. Sure, meet me there in 5 and do NOT be late.

Darling, im already here 😉

*off chat*

The blonde then started to make his way to the location and he was a nervous wreck, he just confessed to his crush who also confessed.

He saw the door was open a crack and hesitantly opened it wide and walked in. Once he was fully in, he closed the door behind him and realised he was alone.

Great, it was all just some sick joke he thought to himself. As he was about to leave, he heard footsteps. Ignoring it, he carried on until something, or rather someone threw their arms around his waist.

Draco got startled until he turned around and saw the boy he was previously looking for. "Where the fuck did you come from Harry?" he asked.

Harry smiled slyly sending shivers down Draco's spine, "I was under my invisibility cloak" he replied finally.

The Slytherin felt stupid for not realising sooner and felt embarrassed that he was so close to leaving. "Weirdo." he laughed in response.

The following seconds were filled with an awkward silence which was unbearable.

"Fucking Merlin this is awkward what do we do?" Harry finally spoke up. A beautiful idea popped up into Draco's mind and he shared it with Harry, "How about we can start.. getting along", gesturing weirdly with his hands at the end of his sentence.

However, while Draco was talking, he kept getting closer and closer to Harry until they were mere inches apart.

In response, Harry did that sly smile again and attached his lips to Draco's, who instantly kissed back.

It was a rough, fierce kiss full of teeth clashing, tongues tangling and lips smacking but the two boys were enjoying themselves immensely.

They pulled away simultaneously to catch their breath and went over to the sofa that appeared. Harry held Draco to his chest closely and played with his hair.

"Draco, will you maybe want to erm- be my boyfriend?" The Gryffindor asked. Draco felt so warm and his heart rate picked up, he then looked at Harry in the eyes and kissed him again, this time full of love.

"Of course i will." he smiled and got back in to his comfortable position on his boyfriend's body.

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