Have my hoodie

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Draco's POV

I was in potions class when i realised something.

I realised how skinny and malnourished Potter was and i took into consideration of how hard the war must've hit for him. I mean it was bad for everyone, don't get me wrong, but the pressure that the boy had every second must be hard for him.

I don't know when or why i started worrying for the golden boy but it's unsettling for me so i had to do something. We had a joint class in 10 mins so i'll speak to him then!

Harry's POV

I haven't slept in days.

I haven't eaten in days.

I haven't showered in weeks.

Im fucked. After the war i realised how much i lost, not money wise, i couldn't care less about money but its all the people i lost.

I lost my friends and family during that war and it's all my fault, i wish the killing curse worked the first time instead of it hitting my parents. I also noticed Malfoy staring at me... a lot.

Anyhow, i was on my way to my joint lesson with Slytherins until i was yanked back into a cupboard.

I looked up in fear and saw Malfoy with a worried expression on his face? "Fucking Merlin Malfoy, what was that for you scared the shit out of me" i asked still catching my breath.

Malfoy just gave a sorrowful frown and started to reply, "Im worried about you Potter".

It'd be an understatement to say that i was shocked. The Draco Malfoy is worried about Harry Potter! How mad is that?

"Why? Im perfectly fine" I lied straight to his face. "Harry. We both know that you're lying, your nose scrunched up" The blonde explained.

Wait.. how the fuck does he know that? He mustn't of meant to say that because he was staring at me with wide eyes and a hand over his mouth. "Know a lot about me then?" i asked with a smirk.

We just stared at each other and started bursting into laughter. "Wh- Why are we even la- laughing?" Draco asked between laughs and breaths, I just shook my head and caught my breath.

We then decided we needed to leave the cupboard but we didn't want to go back to lessons so we went for a walk outside.

It was currently winter and Hogwarts had a spell on it to make the temperature of the building be the opposite to the  outside so right now it was warm inside.

Which is why i was only wearing a t-shirt and joggers. (8th years wear their own clothes)

Anyways me and Mal- Draco were about 10 minutes into our walk and i was shivering really bad, he must've noticed because he kept looking at me concerned.

Draco's POV

Harry and i decided to go for a walk and the cold air hit like a bitch. Thankfully though i was wearing a jumper and a hoodie.

After about 10 minutes I realised Harry had nothing except a T-shirt on and he was shivering quite badly. I didn't think much of it until his lips started going blue and he was shaking like a chattering teeth toy.

I took off my hoodie and held it in front of him. He then stopped walking and gave me a confused glance, "Have my hoodie" i said.

"Why? Won't you be cold?" he asked, i just giggled and gestured to my green Slytherin jumper and he blushed as he took the hoodie.

He then put it on and because i was 5 inches taller than him, it was dangling just below his waist. I began to walk until i felt something warm be placed on my freezing cheek.

I looked at Harry and realised he kissed me on the cheek.

Harry's POV

I can't believe i just did that. But it felt so right? I don't know but i really want to kiss him on his lips.

When he started to walk over to me, i thought he was going to hit me or something so i flinched before he even did anything. Before i knew it, my head was harshly pulled up and i was being kissed.

By Draco.

It took me a second to respond but when i did, i felt like i was in heaven so you can't imagine how i felt when he pulled away.

"Calm down we can get back to that later" he laughed. "Draco willyoubemyboyfriend?" i asked really quickly, expecting a no. Instead, i was pulled into another kiss but this one was short and full of love.

"Of course i will" He smiled before kissing me again and grabbing my hand.

For the first time since the war, i felt happy.

Truly happy.

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