Sunlight does not burn me; however it makes me uncomfortable, giving me terrible  headaches and causing my skin to itch slightly wherever it touches. My eyesight is slightly poorer in any bright light, as my eyes are specially adapted for seeing in the dark.  It also does drain my strength slightly, although as the years have passed, this effect has lessened, and I am still far more than a match for any human.

            Small groups of people stood around chatting before their lessons started, most of them ignored me, but a few cast curious eyes in my direction, before hurriedly continuing their conversations as I walked past. It was a fairly small school; it was inevitable that any newcomer would attract some attention.

            The school office was easy to find, right on the left of the entrance. It was small, with old slightly battered looking blue chairs along one wall. A small table holding assorted leaflets containing information about various clubs and activities sat in a corner. A small woman with bleached blond hair and thick-framed pink glasses sat behind a cluttered desk at the back of the room. She was typing briskly on a computer facing away from me.

            I removed my sunglasses and slipped them into my small black bag, which I had on one shoulder, before folding my coat over my arm before she had a chance to notice. I had been to too many schools to not be familiar with the usual rules.

I made a noise as if I was clearing my throat to get her attention. She jumped and swivelled around quickly, knocking an empty mug from the desk, which I automatically caught quickly whilst I noticed that she had been emailing someone who appeared to be her boyfriend. She quickly minimized it. Her heart rate had sped up slightly in surprise, but it gradually slowed as she saw I was not her boss. She smiled as her eyes widened slightly at my fast reflexes, but she kept her tone polite and professional.

"How can I help you?"

"My name is Jade Maison, I'm a new student."

Her face had brightened with recognition as soon as I said my name.

"Oh yes, they told me that you would be coming today, your mother rang yesterday to confirm that everything was ok" that was me of course; I can imitate almost any voice that I desire. She continued,"Hold on a moment, and I'll find you your timetable".

She quickly began searching through files on her computer, clicking on the print button for one, and I heard the noises of a printer whirring.

"Here you are dear, your form teacher will be Mrs. Black, in room A2. Mrs. Sutton the headmistress, will speak to you later, to see how you are getting on, is that ok?"

I smiled and said, "Yes, thank you"

"And here is a map of the school, so you don't get lost dear, it's really not as big as it looks, will you need help with finding your form room?"

I took the map, and even though it took me about one sixth of a second to read and memorize it I held on to it to keep her happy, but I really wished she would refrain from calling me "dear".

"No thank you, I should be fine," because she looked slightly distressed I added "I'll remember the way better if I find it myself". I made myself smile again, hoping that she would let me go. I had decided that I was going to try extremely hard not to offend anyone this time. I find it is a lot easer to live if people like you; they then tend not to notice anything suspicious. To my relief she smiled back and said goodbye.

            As I walked along the corridor, concentrating on walking slowly and not too gracefully, I realized I was attracting attention. People turned and stared as I passed, especially the males.  This was nothing new to me. I am tall and slim; my features are perfectly angled and aligned, with eyes that, in my normal state are a deep icy blue. My hair is thick and long, my movements graceful. Enough to make people look, but the thing that makes them keep staring is the sense of danger they instinctively feel when I am around, the natural aversion all prey feel towards predators. They can't explain it. Some are intrigued, curious, but most stay away, intimidated. I am not being full of myself, or exaggerating, it is the same for all of my kind when we are changed; our natural features are enhanced, making us more attractive, every sense sharpened. We are naturally beautiful... and deadly.

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