19. Execution

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✭I know I'm young✭

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✭I know I'm young✭

"Right. I'll see you later, I left my shoes here last practice so I have to check the lost and found." Cameron doesn't seem like the type of person that would lie.

Especially not to his close friends.

Frankie doesn't seem too sold on his story but he doesn't push him to say anything more. "Okay? I'll see ya later, then." Cameron seems nervous, he wipes his palms – which I'm positive are sweaty – on his jeans and he bites his lip waiting for his friend to leave.

He nods his head, and his eyes follow Frankie as he leaves the practice room, just as confused as he always is when talking to Cameron.

I hear the footsteps fade into nothing and then Cameron looks at me behind the ropes. He nods his head and I walk out of my hiding spot, looking around to make sure it's completely empty.

"Emery told everyone he was sick before morning practice and everyone should be at breakfast long enough for us to finish. He's already in the electrical room," he whispers.

"Now I just have to find Kai and Zai so you can call your uncle." when he finishes talking, I don't immediately bolt to the office.

My gaze is stuck on the boy. He still has the same look of despair that he had last night. He thinks what he went through wasn't as terrible as what he's been hearing.

But it is. It doesn't matter if I lost my parents or have been stuck in this place. It doesn't matter if Emery's mother was an addict.

His parents abandoned him so much he thought running away to a circus with the biggest facade in the world, was an easier way to live.

It's not a competition, all of us went through something. But I don't want him to think he's ungrateful for not wanting to put up with his parents' abuse.

Without thinking much more I step forward, pull him closer by the thin fabric of his shirt, and press my lips to his. During the first few seconds, he's surprised, shocked that not only am I kidding him without him asking me to, but I'm doing it in a public area.

Sure the large room is empty but this place has cameras and the doors are open for anyone. I can only hope Emery erases all of the footage with us in it.

With Cameron's head tilted to the side, we're given a better angle. A deeper angle.

My lips move against his soft ones, trying to hold back from going deeper right here in the ring of fire. He steps closer if even possible and his tongue tries to slip between my lips.

Maybe I wasn't his first kiss. He's too good at it to not have done it before. I pull away, once again crushing his dreams of going deeper than I let him but if we're going to do this, we don't have time to waste.

He gives me a look of confusion, his head tilting to the side as an awkward smile slips onto his face.

"What was that for?" he all but mumbles, his fingers playing with the loose thread on the bottom of his striped shirt.

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