Chapter 8

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*Lily's POV*

"If it isn't the shitty loser who thinks she can casually lie about someone who's way out of her league," I hear a cocky voice say behind me. I stand up from the bench that I was sitting on, walking away as I stare at my feet.

"Where do you think you're going?" 'That bitch who I don't care to know his name' says as he grabs my wrist, my eyes meeting his. "Do you think you can walk away after what you had said?"

I look at my feet and try to pull my hand away which is unfortunately unsuccessful. Realising my thought to leave, he tightens his grip on my wrist and I wince in pain. Can't he just let me be and not make this seem like some kind of drama for the whole school to watch?

"Brian," I hear a monotone voice behind me as they grab Brian's hand. "I'll advise you to not do this here and now."

Brian scoffs, moving a step closer to the stranger, the muscles on his jaw tightening. "And who said you could boss me around?"

"...If you hurt her, not only will it ruin your image but if hearsay, that you attacked a woman without proof of her wrongdoing, how's your father going to take that news?" the stranger asks, his gaze unwavering.

"...You have the fucking guts to threaten me by mentioning my father?" Brian questions, his finger running through his hair as he lets out a chuckle in disbelief.

"Do you get my point?" he asks and Brian lets go of my hand and I immediately hold it close to my chest, my gaze moving forward to the floor. "Fine but if you talk to me in that tone again, I won't take it lightly with you."

He turns his head to the side in confusion at Brian's words, Brian rolling his eyes afterwards. "We'll talk about that later but you..." he says shortly after the stranger lets go of his hand shortly after, "It doesn't mean that because Liam saved you that you're getting away with saying such crap. Either way, I'm off and make sure you stay out of my fucking sight."

He disappears into the hallways afterwards, a sigh of relief escaping my lips. All I have to do now is face the aftermath which is never pretty. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to face the random stranger who randomly saved me. I believe his name is Liam... but it doesn't ring a bell.

"Are you okay?" he asks, his expressionless voice shocking me. Is he always like that?

"Yeah?" I manage to blurt out after a few seconds. He nods in response and proceeds to walk away, like he has no fucking idea how a conversation works. Why did he even help me though? Why did he leave like that without any warning? I push the thought away and quickly buy a sandwich from my school's food stall and head to class, plugging in my ear piece before I hear a rumor that will ruin my day. Maybe it's because my day is already off to a great start! I sit on my chair once I'm in class, my face buried in my arms, wishing deep down that my day can get better.

*Mason's POV*

"Brian!" I yell as I see him across the hallway. I run towards, trying my best to suppress the anger inside of him 'cause if he fucking hurt her-

"What is it?" he asks in an angry tone, placing his hands in his pockets as I come to a stop. What could've gotten him mad? Mad that he's suppressing his anger and not causing trouble? Or is this even the Brian I know?

"Nothing," I reply after a few seconds, breathing heavily as I feel my legs go wobbly. Maybe I should've just stayed home and gotten proper sleep.

"What's up with you and her?"


"You were looking for me because of that fucker, weren't you? And you were definitely angry when you saw me."

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