Chapter 6

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*Lily's POV*

I wake up around 2am in the morning, tiredness surging through me. My eyes still half open, I pause the song I had played overnight, realizing that my phone has almost run out of battery. Great.

I move to my living room couch, noticing that I'm the only one in my house. Dad's probably working overnight again but I really need to start putting an alarm on my mom's phone so she doesn't continue to sleep at the flower shop. She does need a comfy bed after all.

I try to sleep but it's no use, wondering who had asked me to sleep early in the first place. I then think of anything to do: write, listen to music but know that I'm unmotivated to do it. Nothing to do that can take my mind off things at the moment.

I then think of Mason, and before I even know it, I'm looking through our messages, making sure to leave them on read. I'm stupidly and terribly trying to avoid him even though I know something I have will lead me back to him no matter how hard I try. And minutes later, I'm at his front door, my finger hovering over his doorbell as I contemplate all my terrible life choices, this one obviously included.

What if I end up leaving again? What if I say something that ends our friendship? Why do I never learn from past events and why am I even standing here even though I told myself multiple times not to? Don't I... hate him? I put those thoughts behind my head somewhere and think with my heart, breathing in and out as I do so. Before I know it, I'm pressing his doorbell, retracting my finger immediately afterwards. Was that the right decision? What if-

My attention is grasped when someone opens the door, warmth feeling my heart once I see their face. But why this feeling? Didn't I hate their presence? I'm still wondering why I'm even-

"Do you... want to come in? You don't look okay," Mason states, concern written all over his face. I nod my head and enter his house, my heart racing wildly. Why the fuck did I nod my head? And why a nod of all things? Gosh do I blame my consciousness for making me do that. I sit down on his living couch, still famished but how luxurious his house is.

Mason then paces till he stops at his house's wet bar. It's bigger than two corner wardrobes combined and still somehow isn't used that much. It reminds me of a fancy sitting area that could be found in a 5 star hotel, the wine and glasses neatly stocked away on the shelf.

"Would you like a drink?" Mason asks, his eyes focused and his palm on the counter as he comes to a halt.

"...What can you offer?"

"Tea, coffee, wine and hot chocolate but I'm guessing you'll prefer hot chocolate over the other options."

"Why hot chocolate? It isn't cold though," I question, my eyebrows raised.

He looks at me with a shrug, "Well... they say the night is cold."

"Who says that?"

"I don't know. It's a saying."

"But nobody says that."

"But it's still a fact!" he counters with a grin on his face.

"...Fine. I'll take the hot chocolate," I say, accepting my defeat.

A grin appears on his face as he grabs two mugs and begins making it. I sit on the bar stool, waiting patiently as I observe him. He prepares it with a smile on his face and I know that smile isn't fake, his eyes full of life. Something definitely happened that made his day since that smile hasn't disappeared, not even for a second.

After a few minutes, he gives me the warm mug of hot chocolate, and I take it with a polite nod. He sits on the stool and we sit there in silence for about a minute, Mason taking a few glances at me, expecting me to not notice. He probably thinks I forgave him for what he-

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