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I walk down the pathway, my head hung low in disappointment. Was it that bad?

Did we not mean anything?

I slammed the door of my car shut, letting out a frustrating groan before punching the steering wheel. I hissed, seeing the redness forming on my knuckles.

Fucking great.

Closing my eyes, I leaned back. I ignored the guards in front of the gates, eyeing me like a dog who was mad because I stepped on his tail. I didn't need their mockery. I didn't need anyone.

I wanted her.

One talk. Just one.

After another session of pitying myself until I needed aspirin, I started to drive. Glancing at the phone, I rolled my eyes seeing Rishi calling me.

He was like an annoying stubborn girlfriend at the moment.

He would call up every hour to check up on me and my whereabouts. The bastard went as far as asking me how many times I pooped that day. I've been ignoring him since then.

I parked the car in the lot and closed my eyes to take deep breaths. Rishi was calling again.


"I miss you."

"Shut up."

"I miss you more, honey."


"Alright, stop being a jerk and listen. You might want to know this," he spoke in a hushed tone, making me halt in my position. I was about to walk out but stopped.


"I know you've been crazy and extremely annoying because someone poked your heart, but you're too stubborn to admit it. I know you hate me right now and have been very mean and bitchy, but listen, I first need an apology because you should know that I matter, my-"

"Keep whatever you're gonna say with yourself," I disconnected the call and stormed out of the car, straight to my room.

Dad was with a few guests, specifically Rishi's dad, Shekhar uncle. I glanced at them and ignored, too caught up to greet and initiate a conversation. Initiating a conversation meant engaging with people, humans. And currently, one of the cute yet stubborn humans has messed with my brain too much to act polite with other money-hungry humans.

I threw away the coat and held the tie to remove. My hands froze when a memory flashed.


The way she tied my tie that day.

I closed my eyes, feeling my heart constrict a little.

No! No thinking of her.

Opening my eyes, I made myself comfortable on my couch and started working. It has been months since I touched a thing and I needed a lot of time to cope up with everything.

The deals were signed accordingly. Indeed, Dad only chose the ones who we were well aware of. Dad was always hesitant to choose the ones who were new brewing in the industry. He said the sudden fame could never be permanent.

I leaned back, immersing myself in the MacBook and loads of papers.


I twirled the noodle on my fork and leaned back. I don't feel like eating it.

"Sir? Do you want me to prepare something else?" The chef, Mr. Sawyer appeared with a polite smile.

Once Upon A Wedding जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें