Promise Ring Upgrade

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I was laying in bed sleeping when i felt someone touching my hand. I opened my eyes to see my boyfriend taking off my promise ring he got me.

"What are you doing, silly goose?"

I asked groggily but smiling.

He chuckled and got the ring off my finger. 

"I'm going to get the ring cleaned for you. I want you to have a nice, clean ring on your finger."

I nodded and hummed in response before closing my eyes and rolling onto my other side. Colby kissed my head and whispered to me but i was half asleep so i couldn't hear it that well but i heard at the end.

"I love you."

I mumbled buthe couldn't tell what i said so he chuckled assuming i said it back, which i did.

I fell back asleep as Colby left.

I woke up again an hour later. I sat up and stretched, yawning. I looked at my phone and turned it on to check the time.

10: 48 A.M.

I looked at my left hand ring finger and noticed my ring gone and almost panicked till i realized Colby took it this morning. I got out of bed and got ready for the day by getting dressed, doing my makeup and hair, and brushing my teeth.

I went downstairs and saw Corey and Jake sitting in the living room and playing Rocket League. They waved at me which i waved back.

"Morning boys."


They shouted in sinc. 

I laughed and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple and water before going back upstairs. I sat in bed and watched YouTube and TikTok for a while till the door opened.


Colby said happily as he jumped on the bed next to me.

I giggled and kissed his head.

"Hey Colbs."

"Whatcha doing?"

I showed him i was watching one of his YouTube videos and he laughed.

"Wanna go on a date tonight?"

I thought about before nodding.

"Sure. By the way, when will i get my ring back?"

"Tonight on our date."

I smiled and he wrapped his arms around my waist as we cuddled and did random things for the rest of the day.

That night, i dressed in a short white dress that went to my knees and had white sleeves. Colby dressed in a nice shirt and jeans. We got in his corolla and left at 7 p.m. We went to the beach and when we got their the sun was setting. 

There was a spot set up with a blanket, rose peddles, and candles. The sun setting in the background by the water made it even better. I looked at Colby smiling.

"You did all this?"

"Of course baby."

He said placing his hands on my waist.

I giggled and he led my over to the blanket. He stopped me before i could sit though.

"Could you wait a second. I want to do something."

"Sure. What is it?"

He took a deep breath and looked down at me, his blue eyes sparkled in the little sunlight left and more moonlight now. 

"You know how i love you so dearly and got you that promise ring, right?"

I nodded.

"Well, would you want an upgrade from just a promise ring?"

I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?"

He chuckled and got down on one knee taking my left hand in his hand. I gasped as i realized he was proposing. He pulled out a velvet bow and opened it to reveal the promise ring but this time it had a white gem on it instead of a red one like before. 

"I mean would you marry me?"

He asked smiling. 

I took a second and nodded as i teared up. He took the ring out, placing it on my finger and got up. He kissed me lips and cupped my cheeks in his hands. When he pulled away he stayed just as close.

"I love you."

He whispered.

"I love you too."

I mumbled back.

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