Working Cattle

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I'm from in the country in North Dakota. My boyfriend, Colby, though, he is from the suburbs in Kansas. We met in L.A. and have been together since i was 20 and he was 21. We're now 24 and 25 and he's met my family a few times and been to the farm a few times.

My family called one day and asked if we could come help work cattle and after asking Colby, he agreed. We flew out to North Dakota and stayed at my parents' house for the time being. it was going to take 2 days. 


Day One:

We woke up at 6 a.m. by my alarm. Colby isn't used to getting up so early. He groaned and rolled over on the small bed we were sharing in my old room and wrapped his arms around me.

"Can we go back to sleep please?"

He asked tiredly.

"Nope. We have to get up, eat breakfast, do chores, then round up the cattle to work them. Come on. Let go of me so we can get ready."

He groaned again and let go of me. We got up and as i walked over to my old closet that i hung our clothes in, he slapped my butt.


Colby chuckled and i could hear my parents walking around in the house. I grabbed an old pair of jeans for me and Colby and some dirty shirts for us. I threw his clothes at him, and we got dressed. Once we were done, we brushed our teeth and hair before leaving the room.  We went into the dining room where my mom was watching the news, and my dad was reading the newspaper. 

"Goodmorning mom and dad!"

I said happily. They looked up at me and Colby.

"Good morning darlings!"

"Morning kiddos."

My mom and dad greeted us.

"Good morning, Y/m/n and Y/d/n" *Your mom and dad's name :)*

Colby was told by my parents that they can be called by their names, so he does that. I took Colby's hand and went in the kitchen. I went to the freezer and grabbed the waffles out. Colby grabbed 2 plates and i put 2 waffles on each plate. We cooked them and buttered them and of course put syrup before grabbing a fork and knife and sitting at the table. By now it was 6: 53 A.M.

"Hey darling?"

My mom asked looking at me.


I said looking up at her. I had syrup and butter all over my chin since i have near no manners (A/n: so true for me hehe) and everyone laughed.

"You don't have to do the chores. Me and your father will do them since we are much faster than you anyways."

She said smiling as Colby was wiping the syrup from my face because, you know, princess treatment. 

"You sure?"

I ask making sure.

"Of course, hun. You're visiting anyways so we'll do it. I swear. It's fine."

"Ok if you're sure then."

My parents left to do chores and me and Colby finished breakfast. Eventually, Chores were done and the others that were going to help were there. Everyone working cattle today is:
Me & Colby
Mom and Dad
Aunt 1: Diana
Aunt 2: Hailey
Cousin: Savannah
Savannah's husband: Nickolas

Savannah and her husband, Nick, have a 3-year-old so Hailey's 17-year-old boy is babysitting their daughter at the house. We all met up in the front of the house and all got four wheelers before heading out to the field. We gathered the cattle, chased them in, sorted calves from cows, and started working. We each had jobs:
Me and Colby: Bring calves/cows down the shoot.
Diana and Hailey: Shots
Mom: Writing tag numbers
Dad, Savannah, and Nick: Shoot operators

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