Shrugging, I placed the coin onto the dresser and shoved my charged Switch into my backpack before zipping it shut.

After putting it on, I frantically opened up every dresser drawer in search of my passport. I usually left it at home so that I wouldn't lose it, but I really needed it now or else I won't be allowed on the plane! Or I'll be turned around at Customs once I arrive in Canada!

My heart began to race in my chest as I tore my new room around, searching up and down for that small navy blue booklet with the gold emblem of a maple leaf on the cover. I looked in the dresser, under the bed, in the closet— but it was nowhere to be found!

"Dad!" I called out as I hurried out of my bedroom. "Have you seen my passport?"

There was a low sigh from the other side of his bedroom door down the hall. "Max," he grunted, "you better find that passport or your mom's gonna kill me."

"I looked all over my room for it," I shrugged, despite a wooden door separating us. "I can't find it."

"Where did you last see it?" he grilled, and I heard some shuffling around as he leapt out of bed.

I tried to think back to the last time I'd held that little passport in my clutches. "Um," I mumbled, unable to pinpoint the exact time, "well, I remember I had it when I went through Customs here."

My dad just groaned.

Emilia exited her room, shooting me a glare. "If we miss our flight," she sneered, "I will kill you. Slowly."

I trembled under her heated gaze. "O-okay," I stuttered, my heart skipping a beat. My sister, love her to death, can be really scary sometimes.

Thudding footsteps sounded out, like they were running towards us with a mission. Dominik's bedroom door that was at the end of the hallway burst open, and the edgy teen lumbered out. He was clad in just some gray plaid pajama pants, his bare chest on display. There were some significant signs of muscle on his chest, and I could vaguely make little wisps of hairs starting to grow on his pectorals. Dominik's yellow eyes were narrowed, and there were some dark circles under them, making it look like he'd had a rough night.

"What's with all the yelling?" he grunted, shooting his own glare at my sister.

Emilia, being the girlboss she is, squared her shoulders and gave him one of her own glares. Instead of any sort of witty remark, she stomped her way past him to go downstairs, leaving me alone with Dominik.

The other guy awkwardly stood there in silence as he scratched at the back of his neck. "So," he mumbled in his deep, sleepy voice, "you can't find your passport?"

I silently shook my head. I knew for a fact that I hadn't lost it in Nordwestmecklenburg because I hadn't had to use it once there. Therefore, Dominik wouldn't really know where it was. Plus, I really didn't want to ask him for help at all, given the headache that I immediately got as soon as he was within my personal bubble. The dude stank like teen boy B.O., and I took a wide step away from him... and he took a larger step closer to me.

Whatever. I didn't have time to deal with his weird attitude/actions. I needed to leave for Cologne/Bonn International Airport in a little less than an hour. Therefore, I needed to focus all of my mental faculties on finding my passport, not trying to decipher Dominik in general.

"Yeah," I sighed, "so I'm gonna go look for it now."

I turned around and started to head back to my new bedroom so that I could give it one more look over. Maybe in my panic, my eyes had totally overlooked it? It'd be just like whenever I'd ask Mom where the TV remote was, and she'd always seemed to make it manifest out of thin air.

My Possessive Werewolf Mate (Who is Also My Step-Brother...)Where stories live. Discover now