{Amusement Park or...}

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Everyone was sitting inside the car except one of them.

"Ahh!!! C'mon where is Jungkook?!" Taehyung said being eager.

"Told him not to play video games till late night!" Heoseok added.

"I don't understand why you guys are so eager to go there, there won't be something new, just some rides and food stalls!" Jimin said.

"C'mon Jimin! Just say you are scared to ride roller coaster! Nothing else." Namjoon said.

"Oh don't be like that Jimin! There will be a lot of girls, some of them maybe hot or maybe even your type!" Taehyung purposefully said to Jimin to cheer him up.

"Ooh~ Now I am interested! Call Jungkook we are getting late!" Jimin said being eager to go there, because...umm we know the reason.

"Uh Taehyung you gave Jimin the idea god knows what he will do there?" Seok-Jin facepalms.

"What? It isn't like I am gonna molest them, I am just going to flirt!" Jimin smirked playfully.

"Guys!!! I am here! Let's go!" Jungkook said, and opened the door of Jimin's side. "C'mon c'mon slide inside! I want to sit here!" He said confidently to Jimin.

Meanwhile Jimin shot him a glare, "Shut up! I am older than you I won't move you sit on the other si-" His sentence got interrupted by a loud honk.

"C'mon Jungkook get inside! We are getting late!" Seok-Jin said.

Jungkook whined and went to the other side of the car.

"Now that's what you get for arguing with your Hyung!" Jimin mocked Jungkook.

"Yeah Yeah whatever!" Jungkook said being disappointed.

"How much time will it take to reach the park?" Said Yoongi while yawning.

"About 1 hour." Namjoon said.

"Ooh~ that means more time to sleep, okay I am going to sleep, Wake me up once we reach there." With that said Yoongi leaned into his neck pillow and went to his Dream land.

Seok-Jin started the car and they headed towards the Amusement Park.


"Yoongi Hyung, wake up!" Jimin said to Yoongi while shaking him.

"There's no sign of him waking up! Pinch him!" Jungkook said.

"Ya! I don't want to die later, you pinch him." Jimin said in defence.

Jungkook slowly lifted his hand to pinch him but then backed off.

"See! You are also scared of him!" Jimin said.

"Move aside, Move aside!" Taehyung said in Urgency making Jimin and Jungkook move aside. Then he screamed right in front of his ears, "YOONGI HYUNG, WE ARE HERE!!!"

Yoongi Groaned and woke up, "So early? Ughh! I could have slept more. Nevermind, let's go." Yoongi said and jumped out of the car.

"Finally! At least you woke up!" Heoseok said sighing in relief. "Anyways there would be a washroom around right? I need to pee." He added.

"Yeah sure, Jimin go with him, why don't you?" Taehyung said.

"Sure! Let's go Hoseok Hyung." Jimin said as both of them went to find the washroom.

"I smell corn dogs, wanna have?" Namjoon insisted.

"Wait Hyung! I'll come with you." Taehyung said and they went to have corn dogs for themselves.

"Look! Wanna go there?" Jungkook said while pointing at a roller coaster ride.

"Roller coaster ride huh? Well I would like to, but if I throw up, it's your responsibility, Jungkook." Seok-Jin stated.

"Well okay fine!" Jungkook agreed.

"I will come too." Yoongi added.

"Okay then let's go" Seok-Jin said.


"Three tickets please!" Yoongi said to the person sitting in the ticket counter and immediately got the ticket and in return he of course payed him. "Let's go! Got the ticket!" He added while showing Seok-Jin and Jungkook the tickets.

They got into one of the compartment.

Just a few minutes, after that the roller coaster started going down once it reached the top, and these three? Let's see what they did.


"AHHHHHHHHH!!! ME TOOOOOOOOO!!! BUT IT'S SO FUN! WOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!~" Jungkook replied shouting.

"AHHHHHH YOU BOTH CAN YOU STOP SHOUTING???? IT'S SO FUN MAN!!!!" Yoongi was enjoying but he had to shout because of his two friends shouting and because of the high air pressure.


After the Ride

"I need Ice Cream!" Seok-Jin said catching his breath.

"Me too! But it was fun!" Jungkook added.

"Yeah it was freaking fun!" Yoongi added in agreement.

"Jin Hyung looked like he saw his life flashing in front of him." A voice came from the back while laughing.

"Taehyung Hyung! You should try it too! It was fun wasn't it?" Jungkook asked his two other friends.

"Yeah! I mean I was scared but It would've been a lie if I say it's not fun!" Seok-Jin said.

"I agree." Yoongi nodded in agreement.

"Me and Taehyung were watching you guys from down here! Jin Hyung really looked scared." Namjoon added.

"Yeah I agree" Taehyung said.

"Maybe because I was scared!" Seok-Jin said and all of them laughed. "By the way where is Heoseok and Jimin?" He added.

"Maybe the got lost, you too Taehyung, why did you send Jimin with him? These both clumsy people will drive us crazy." Namjoon said.

"Call them." Yoongi insisted.

"Ah I didn't thought that." Namjoon said while pulling out his phone from his pocket.

"Hyung be doubting his IQ" Jungkook said laughing.

"Shut up!" Namjoon said while dialing Jimin's number, after talking a bit with them he hanged up.

"What did they say?" Taehyung asked.

"They said they will meet us somewhere around. They are playing something right now." Namjoon said.

"Oh, okay then let's go, we should play something as well" Seok-Jin said.

"Yeah! Let's go" Jungkook added.

They also went around the Amusement Park to find something to play.

{~Will continue in the next part, Till then Bye Bye! Meet you at the next chapter. Love you all! Also! Almost close to 1000 words! Woah that's the most I've written! Anyways. Bye Bye! See you in the next chapter!~}

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