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Yoongi and Taehyung came back to their home.

"We're Home!" Said Taehyung shouting, letting everyone know. Taehyung and Yoongi hopped into the couch. Taehyung sat beside Jungkook who was busy playing Video games and Yoongi sat beside J-Hope who was scrolling through the phone.

"How was the photo shoot?" Jungkook said, his voice laced with the tone of urgency as he was violently pressing his controler because he needs to win the game. This round.

"Yeah it was good! Yoongi Hyung is such a good model! We also met some girls there. They said they came here for refreshing their minds." Said Taehyung.

"Girls? Were they hot?" Came a voice from the back. The voice is dripping with flirty ness.

"Geez! Jimin! Would you stop saying that everytime I mention "Girls!"? Would you give yourself a rest?" Said Taehyung. His voice completely signified that he is done with his soulmate.

"What? Oh C'mon Taehyung you know me! This is how am I!" Jimin said with complete sass while hopping onto the couch beside Taehyung but right then something hard hit his head. "Owww!!! What was that for Jin Hyung?" He said while whinning and rubbing his head.

"Would you keep you horny ass aside for a second?!" Said Seok-Jin, The Oldest.

"Well fine fine!" Jimin says but his attention got drawn by a voice of one of his Hyungs.

"Jimin! About these girls you know what happened? I think your soulmate almost fell in love with one of them, the way he was staring at her! Looks like love at first sight!" Yoongi said in a teasing tone.

"WHAT?? Taehyung?? What is Yoongi Hyung talking about?" Namjoon popped up and said to him while quickly catching the pace to tease him.

"Yes yes! Tell us!" Jimin also said taking Yoongi's and Namjoon's side.

"Fuck off! It's nothing like that! It's just she was really energetic, she looked charming, that's all" Taehyung said, trying to protest.

"Ah! So you fell for the younger one huh?" Said Yoongi, his voice still colored with teasing tone.

"Will you shut it Hyung? I didn't fell for anyone! Neither the older one not the younger one! They reminded me of us when we used to goof around like them! That's it!" Taehyung said, now getting annoyed.

"Hyung is right! It has been a long time since we went out somewhere together!" Jungkook said, fully satisfied as he won the level.

"Huh? You didn't want to go when Taehyung asked you to go with you today morning, you're playing video games since one month sitting in this house, and you want to go outside? Are you having a fever" Hoseok said jokingly.

"Ahh Hyung! It's just that I needed time for my awakening and now that it's done! Let's so somewhere!" Jungkook said confidently.

"Well took you over a month to reawaken. Anyways, where do you want to head off to?" Namjoon asked.

"I like amusement parks!" Said Taehyung.

"No way, hell no! I was watching a youtube short and it showed a lady died while she was on the roller coaster! I am not going!" Jimin protested.

"No way, hell no my ass! State straightly that you are scared of roller coaster rides! Nothing else! Anyways! Amusement Park it is, then! The day after tomorrow, we will head towards Amusement park!" Declared the oldest member, Seok-Jin. Jimin had no chance other than accepting defeat. "Okay then everyone take rest and Yoongi and Taehyung, go get fresh, I will call you guys after the dinner is ready." Seok-Jin continued.

"Alright, Alright." Yoongi said and went upstairs to his room to get fresh followed by Taehyung as his room is upstairs as well.


Seok-Jin shouted from downstairs, "Everyone come down! Dinner is ready! And it's served hot!"

Everyone eventually came one by one. When everyone was together, they had their dinner and went back to their room to sleep.

{~Good Night loves! I am ending this right here! We will continue the story in the next chapter! Till then, Bye Bye!!!~}

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