Chapter 17

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I ran for five miles without stopping. And I ended up in the front lawn of the late-colonel's beautiful house. I wanted to speak to Darlene and see if the press was hounding her, too. So I walked up to the door and pressed the bell.

She answered with a big smile on her face. She seemed very pleased to see me. Today, she was wearing a tight-fitting t-shirt and a pair of shorts. Once again, I had a hard time taking my eyes off her tits.

Darlene said, "Johnny! What a surprise."

I felt a tad self-conscious because I was pretty winded from the jog and covered in sweat. "Can I come in?"

"By all means. You're always welcome at my home. Just make sure to remove your shoes."

She led me to the living room, and I soon discovered that she wasn't alone. An old gentleman was sitting in one of the chairs.

He stood up and extended his hand. "I'm General Buckhauser, a friend of the family."

"Nice to meet you, sir."

Darlene said, "This is the young man I was telling you about."

He eyed me up and down. "So you're the guy who hit Bradley on the head?"

I nodded sheepishly. "I didn't mean to. Something just came over me."

He patted me on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it too much. The colonel had that effect on a lot of people. Trust me. I felt like belting him on more than one occasion." He laughed out loud and lit a cigar. "Have you ever thought about joining the military? We could use a few guys like you. All the punks we get these days have nose rings and blue hair."

I shook my head. "I don't think that a military life is for me."

"Well, don't abandon the idea so easily, son. You have plenty of time. And remember this. Seeing the world is a great education. There's nothing like it."

"I will, sir. I'll give it a lot of thought."

I took a seat on the sofa, and Darlene sat next to me. She was so close that I could feel her breath against my cheek. She smelled like peppermint.

Darlene said, "Why are you here?"


"Shouldn't you be at school?"

"I got kicked out. For punching your husband the other day. Remember?"

She giggled and put her hand on my thigh. "That's right. With all the commotion, I completely forgot."

The general said, "They kicked you out just for that? Bunch of pussies."

I looked at Darlene. "I had to run away from a media crew. They're accusing me of murdering the colonel in cold blood."

She giggled again. "You? A murderer? Nobody in the world is going to believe such bullshit. So put it right out of your mind."

"Has anyone come to ask you any questions?"

"Me?" She sighed heavily. "Not a soul. I guess I'm one of those girls who is easy to forget."

The general blew some cigar smoke toward the ceiling and chuckled heavily. "Forgettable, my ass. Maybe those fags haven't seen you in that shirt and those shorts." He looked at me and smiled. "What do you say, Johnny? Doesn't she look delicious?"

"She's definitely an attractive lady. Even a blind man would be impressed with her looks." Then I turned my attention to Darlene. "If they find you, will you vouch for me?"

She lit a cigarette. "Of course I will. There's no way that such a handsome boy could commit such an evil act. It would make me proud to be your character witness."

Johnny Gets His WingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora