Chapter 1

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It was right before English class when I heard the news. It came from a large-chested cheerleader named Cheryl. She stood in front of my desk and scowled at me. Then she flipped her hair and sighed.

I said, "Can I help you?"

She said, "So you haven't heard the headlines, Johnny?"

I noticed that her nipples were hard. They were poking out of her shirt like two angry arrowheads. It was rather frigid in the classroom.

I said, "Headlines?"

"It's about your pervy father."

"What about him?"

"He's gonna get fired for what he did to Betsy?"

My dad was a social studies teacher at the high school. He also coached the girls' basketball team. Betsy was his star player.

I said, "What did he do to Betsy?"

"They've been having a relationship."

I laughed out loud. "My dad and Betsy? That's ridiculous."

"He loaned her his car keys just the other day during practice. She even drove to Walmart to buy snacks. Now he's in the office getting fired by the principal."

I shrugged my shoulders. "So what? He lent her his car keys. Big fucking deal."

She smiled at me with a wicked twinkle in her eyes. "Somebody saw Betsy going down on him when he drove her home later that night. There's a witness." She paused for dramatic effect. "It's been nice knowing you, loser. I guess you'll have to transfer to another school."

I jolted up from my chair and waved my fist in her face. "Bitch, get the fuck away from me. The fact that you have tits won't stop me from knocking your teeth out. You're talking about my family."

She took three steps back. "I'm telling my boyfriend."

"Tell him, you cunt. I'll knock his teeth out, too."

That's when the teacher finally walked into the room. I guess he had been taking a shit or something. His name was Mr. Bradley, and he had a hard time getting around because the poor guy was missing a leg. It had been blown off by angry Muslims during the war in Iraq. He used to be a bigshot military officer back in the day. But now he was just a legless asshole slumming it with the rest of us deadbeats.

Bradley said, "Mr.Seleck, did you just call that girl a cunt?"

"Yes, I did."

"And did you threaten to knock her teeth out?"

"Yes, but I have my reasons."

He shook his head back and forth. "There is absolutely no reason for violence against females, son. Now go to the office straight away. I'll send the referral as soon as possible."

Cheryl said, "Say hello to your father while you're getting your expulsion papers."

I said, "Fuck you!"

Bradley held up his hands. "Get moving, Johnny. I don't want to see you back here until you get this matter settled with the principal."

And that's when I hit him with all the strength I could muster. The shot caught him right between the eyes, and he crashed to the floor like a giant sack of sand falling from the rafters. I'm not proud of myself. Far from it. One-legged veterans deserve better treatment than that. But what can I tell you. I was all keyed up.  

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