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📨(At morning Anshu got a mail regarding her work , in the mail) Mr Jeon accepted the visiting request and the meeting will be held on Wednesday 2 pm at office.

That damm idiot accepted after my hardwork , I'm gonna go home as fast as I can after the meeting Anshu said to herself.so... what will I do for two days I don't know anyone here and I really want to see around here🙂....

📳(Suddenly she got a call )

Anshu : hello who is this?
📳 : hey it's me kookie u forgot
Anshu : oh yha I remember how do you get my number?
📳 : your Jaan gave me and told me to be your tourist guide mam .
Anshu: really..! Thank you so much.
📳 : So get ready in 1 hour I will be waiting at the hotel waiting area .
Anshu: ok ok I will be fast to get ready so I will be there as fast as I can ... Byee.

( The call got ended and she gone to get ready)

  ( The call got ended and she gone to get ready)

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(magine it was her)

She got ready they gone to see around .
Where are we going kookie?
: We are going to see the beauty of Korea just wait.
( They gone to some famous places and some museums and they eat some Korea dishes and sweets )
:I really love the tteokbokki and spicy noodles it was awesome Anshu said to kookie with a smile. He smiled at her and asked her do all Indians like spice that much it won't hurt them really?
She laughed a little and told him some of the Indians also can't handle the spiciness but most of us love spicy food.

Ohh ok mam I will remember it ,he said and stopped the car on a bridge.

Why are we here? it already night na anshu asked him.
He smiled and said look at the sky for five seconds ok and count .... Ok let's start 5...4....3...2...1 and boom there are beautiful fireworks in the sky,
it's really beautiful Anshu said to him.

I told you that I will show you the beauty of Korea 😊

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I told you that I will show you the beauty of Korea 😊 .
After some time,So let's go then they go back to the hotel .
Anshu said to him thanks and gave him a side hug and left to her room.

He was really stunned to speak.....
Really I got a hug from Anshu ohh my god really.....
He was smiling like crazy and gone home with the happiness. After getting home he messaged her the details of tomorrow's plan. you will get a surprise just wait my Anshu....

The next day morning Anshu was already got ready

    The next day morning Anshu was already got ready

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(She was looking like this)

and waiting for kookie to go and here he comes.

(We have to go to after wedding party of my jaan.and we are going there.)
they talked about koren and Indian difference and culture and ext ....
The car stopped at Janani's house and kookie opened the door for her.

She was wearing a blue colour saree this time. She saw Janani and go to her and they started to enjoy the music.

Suddenly someone patted kookie's shoulder and asked him
: why is a beautiful girl with my little prince ?
(That was his mom ) he hugged her and told her it's for my mother that girl is a gift to my beautiful mom .
(Mrs Jeon )
Asked him with a shocked face for me ?

Kookie smiled and said
yes mom you wanted a daughter in law right.
Oho so my son is preparing a daughter in law for me she said with a smile.
What's her name?
Her name is Anshika she is an Indian he told her.
Ohh now day's you only talk about Indians.... Before it was some Ravins and now her she started to make fun of him 🤭 .
He smiled and said mom it's about one Indian there is not any another one.

Mrs Jeon asked him what is he trying to say ?
He smiled and said her Name is miss Anshika Mihir Ravins the going to be CEO of Ravins Enterprises.
Mrs Jeon's eyes widen and she asked
who the girl you didn't want to meet now is your love really how all this happened?

He said to her he will tell everything after coming home today and now to enjoy the function.
Anshu saw kookie calling her and gone to him.
He introduced his mother as this is my one and only lovely mom .
His mom understood that she doesn't know his identity and Mrs Jeon also started to hide it .
And Anshu greeted his mom and they started to talk while walking.

Now the function was over the party was started they are having soju and some other drinks.
Kookie asked anshu that is she ok or want to leave she said ok nd she want to try it .
She had 2 bottle of soju and started to get dizzy and began to talk in Hindi...

Kookie try to take her from there and on the way they bumped in to two guys and the began to force Jk to fight.

( Jk was ready to fight but he doesn't want to show her his cruel side now so he tried to back off but on of the men grabbed his collar and try to punch him he got the punching hand and suddenly some one kicked that man and the other one ran from there)

It was non other than our Anshu. And she started to talk
:do you know who I'm you damm idiots I'm Anshika Mihir Ravins remember it if u touch my people u will die and she lost her senses and gone to sleep.
Jk take her to the hotel and put her on her bed and kissed on the forehead and said good night
then began to leave from her suddenly she say good night kookie....
He was shocked at frist then he realised she was sleep talking and he left from there , he feeling too happy now ....now he knows what love means.....❤️

Thank you for reading guys.....

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