10. The Only One Left

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The next few days flew by really fast as Payton and I tried to get used to our new life as the laundry boys. It was a nice and easy job, and we quickly got the hang of it. Our new coworkers were fun and helpful, and I had to admit, I quickly became to adore Sabine. I had the feeling Payton was warming up to her as well, although she still kept accidentally scaring him simply by being so loud.

It was easy to stay in a happy, excited mood for as long as I focused on this new life, especially after my heat ended and my body went back to normal, but... I would've been lying if I said I didn't miss my old life. That clan, those people... We lost our family in one single night. There was no going back, I knew that, but if... If they'd come asking for our forgiveness and promising us they wouldn't do stupid things again...

I would've returned to them.

Because even though this new life was exciting, and I was happy and grateful we were given this chance, it was also scary. I had no idea how long this would last. We were basically at the mercy of these strangers. They could easily decide to just kick us out without a warning because they owed us nothing. They didn't have to help us. Sure, they wouldn't have helped us in the first place if they didn't want to, so maybe I was scared for nothing, but what would happen if we made a mistake? We didn't even know what counted as a mistake with these people. The mafia had their rules and codes everyone had to follow, and we knew nothing about them.

I kept these thoughts to myself and did my best not to show my fear in front of Payton. He was still just as devastated as I was, maybe even more, and he desperately needed to feel safe right now. I didn't want to take that away from him. I was most likely just overthinking things and scaring myself for nothing, anyway.

Thankfully, I got good at keeping myself distracted from those gloomy thoughts. All I really needed to do was let that mafioso, Lucas, slide into my thoughts. He was in my thoughts quite a lot, actually... I couldn't help it, especially since I just had my heat. And the guy looked good. He was big and strong. He was really kind. He'd helped us even though it was against the rules.

Very nice alpha... my omega agreed.

I really wanted to see him again...

On Wednesday, I entertained that idea the entire day while we worked, and when Payton and I were finishing up our last batch of clean towels, I asked him if he'd like to come with me to the bar Lucas owned. He tensed up, but after a short moment, he nodded timidly.

"I just want to go tell Lucas how grateful we are for his help, but I can go alone if you want to stay at home and get some rest," I offered, but he shook his head.

"I want to come. I could get some fresh air, and..." he trailed off and turned a bit more flustered.

"And...?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

He blushed harder. "You know... Maybe... Like... Maybe we should start meeting people..."

I raised my eyebrow even higher. "Yeah?"

He nodded, then sighed. "I mean... We should try to find alphas... Mates... You know? I don't think we have any other way out of these streets. And I don't mean we should try to find our true mates... Just... Mates. People who have jobs and homes... Because let's face it, this isn't going to last. They won't let us stay in this hotel forever. Right?"

I breathed out and smiled. "Right..."

"So... We need to find mates," he concluded, and turned to grab a clean towel from the laundry machine. "You like Lucas, don't you?"

I smiled a little wider. "Yeah... He seems like a good alpha..."

He nodded and tried to smile as well, but it was fake. "Maybe I'd learn to like Atticus..."

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